In this lesson we will learn how to create an interesting text effect with sparkles using the Rhotoshop program.
We will focus on working with smart objects that allow you to make various changes to the layers without destroying them.
Let’s start!
Stage 1. Create text
Step 1
Create a new document. For example, I create a 1200px * 900px document.
Step 2
To write letters, use the tool Horizontal Text (Type Tool (T)). Place the text in the center of the working canvas.
Step 3
Now we will transform a layer with the text into a smart object. To do this, left-click on the text layer and find the function in the sub-menu that appears.Convert to smart object“(” Convert to Smart Object “).
Step 4
Now we transform the text. To do this, use the key combination Ctrl + T,for a quick transition to the transformation function. Using a transformation grid, give the text a shape as shown in the figure below. This technique will allow us to create a 3D effect in the future.
Stage 2. Create a blank for sparkles
Step 1
Change Overlay Mode (Blend Mode) layer with text on Attenuation (Dissolve). At first glance, the changes are not significant, but in the next steps we will see an interesting effect, after applying blur to the letters.
Step 2
Standing on the text layer go to Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur (Gaussian Blur Filter). Enter a blur radius of 5.3 pixels.
Translator’s Note: Your blur radius may have a different meaning. It depends on the size and type of text. Pick a radius experimentally, achieving the effect as in the example below.
I draw your attention that we applied the blur filter to the smart object, which allows us to return to this setting at any time and make adjustments.
Step 3
Create a copy of the text layer by pressing the key combination Ctrl + J (creating a duplicate of the smart object, you also automatically create a copy of the filters applied to this object). Adjust the blur for the copy layer. The new radius value will be 19.6 pixels.
Step 4
Repeat the last Step # 3, this time setting the blur radius to 30.5 pixels.
Step 5
At this stage, the text already looks interesting! But I noticed that the phrase “Be my” does not look very clear and readable. In order to fix this, I will use an additional layer.
Create another copy of the text layer and apply a Gaussian blur with a radius of 3 pixels to it.
Then add to this layer layer mask(layer mask). Using the tool Brush , black color, paint on the layer mask the lower part of the layer in order to partially hide the effect of the last filter.
Step 6
Let’s take a look at one of our smart objects. To do this, double-click on the thumbnail “smart object”, which is located in the lower right corner of the layer thumbnail.
Step 7
Your smart object with a text layer opens in a new document. Stand on the text layer and replace “Be my” with the word “Test”. Then save the document with a new caption (Ctrl + S) and close it.
Step 8
Return to the main working document. Please note that the appearance of the text has changed, but at the same time, previously applied filters were automatically added to the new phrase.
Let’s continue the work! To do this, first of all, take a step back in order for the text to look like “Be my VALENTINE”.
Step 9
Let’s merge all our layers with text into a single smart object. In order to do this, select all the text layers. Then click on the layers panel with the left mouse button in the appeared submenu select the item “Convert to smart object“(” Convert to Smart Object “). Rename the new smart object to Text.
Stage 3. Create the texture “Glitter”
Step 1
Create a new layer. Fill it with white and name it “Glitter Texture”.
Step 2
On the toolbar, activate Gradient ( Gradient Tool). Go to the color transition setting and set the following values:
Light blue: # b5beda
Dark blue: # 949aa7
Standing on the “Glitter Texture” layer, fill it with a new gradient.
Step 3
In order to get the desired texture, we will add noise to the layer with the gradient. To do this, go to Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter – Noise – Add Noise). Set effect strength to about 2.86%.
Step 4
Create a new layer on top of the layer name “Glitter Texture” and fill it with white.
Step 5
Add the “Noise” filter to the new layer (Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter – Noise – Add Noise)). Set effect strength to 184%.
Step 6
Now reduce the graininess of the texture. To do this, go to Filter – Blur – Blur + (Filter – Blur – Blur More).
Step 7
Make glitter more expressive. To do this, go to Filter – Noise – Median (Filter – Noise – Median). Set the radius for this filter to 1 pix.
Step 8
Add glitter texture with a bit of contrast. To do this, go to the settings Levels (Ctrl + L). Enter the values as shown in the example in the picture.
Step 9
Now change the blend mode of the glitter texture layer to Soft Light (Soft Light).
Step 10
In order to make the sparkles look more realistic, we will add a little light reflection. To do this, create a new layer on top of the previous ones and fill it with white.
Step 11
Double click on the white layer to go to settings. Layer Style (Layer Style). Go to settings Overlay options (Blending Options). Refer to the setting Subject layer (Underlying Layer) and drag the dark slider as shown below.
Step 12
Repeat the last two steps to create a brighter effect, but instead of the white layer, use a layer that is filled with a dark blue color.
Step 13
After the steps, we got sparkles with more pronounced light and dark particles. Now, select all the layers used to create the Glitter texture and convert them into a single smart object (see Step No. 9).
Stage 4. Create white flakes
Step 1
In the next steps we will work on the creation of white flakes. Using the capabilities of Photoshop, we also animate these particles. Let’s start by creating a new layer, on top of the previous ones, and fill it with black.
Step 2
To this layer, we apply the Noise filter (Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter – Noise – Add Noise)). Set the effect strength to about 186%.
Step 3
A little soften the effect of noise using Filter – Blur – Blur + (Filter – Blur – Blur More). To make the new texture look even softer, repeat the effect of the last filter. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + F.
Step 4
In order to get pronounced white particles, we use Levels (Levels (Ctrl + L)).
Step 5
In order to get more diverse particles, we will create another layer similar to the previous one. And so, create a new layer and fill it with black, then repeat steps # 2-4 (step 4).
Step 6
At this stage, we got two layers of black and white noise. For further work, we need to separate the white particles from the background. Stand on one of the last layers. Click the tab Channels (Channels Panel).
Step 7
Hold key Ctrl and click on the RGB channel. This action will create a quick release of white particles.
Step 8
Go back to the layers panel and create a new layer. Note that the selected area is still active. Activate the tool Fill (Fill) and fill the selection with black.
Step 9
Go to the next layer of black and white noise and separate the white particles using the channel method discussed above. In order to make the result more visual, I temporarily use an auxiliary layer filled with white.
Stage 5. Create white sparks
Shwg 1
Rename the layers with black particles to “Noise 1” (Noise 1) and “Noise 2” (Noise 2). Above the “Noise 2” layer, create a new layer (Shift +Ctrl +N) and fill it with black.
Step 2
Activate the tool Brush (Brush Tool). From the brush library, select a standard round brush. Then open Brush Settings Panel (Brushes Panel). The image below shows the necessary settings.
Step 3
Set the color for the new brush to white. Draw round sparks on the layer that we previously filled with black color.
Step 4
To soften points, apply a filter Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur) with a radius of about 4.0 pixels.
Step 5
Repeat steps # 2-4 (step 5) and add another layer with white sparks.
Author: Stephen Petrany