Bright poster from photos in Photoshop

In this lesson we will learn how to turn photos into bright color posters.

Here is what we get:

So, let’s begin. First we need to create a new document. You need to choose the correct resolution. Take 11 by 17 inches and 330 dpi. RGB change to CMYK, which will be more convenient for my printer, you may be different.

So, the document has been created and we can put our photo on it. In most cases, you will need to fit the photo in size.

We remove the native background of the photo to replace it with such a bright yellow.

Duplicate the layer with the photo and apply to it Image – Adjustment – Brightness / Contrast (Image – Correction – Brightness / Contrast), the settings are shown in the image below.

We press Image – Adjustment – Threshold (Image – Correction – Isohelium):

Now we press Select – Color Range (Highlight – Range of colors). Use the eyedropper to highlight all blacks. Adjust all roughness. Now fill the area with purple.

Invert selection and eraser wipe all white layers. Change the blending mode on the Color Art, you can always use for posters if you need to achieve a similar effect. (Color tone). This step will add purple tints.

Apply Image – Adjustment – Hue / Saturation (Image – Correction – Hue / Saturation) with the following settings.

If you already like colors, you can merge layers. If you want, play with the flowers using Image – Adjustment – Curves (Image – Correction – Curves).

Now add the text. It is better to use stylized posters fonts, that is, what is true here. Whatever font you choose, remember that Photoshop gives you many possibilities for adjusting the text, so play with different indents, spaces, and so on.

Add more text. Play with the settings.

Using standard forms, we will add a message cloud to our poster. Color take red to create the necessary contrast.

Of course, do not forget about the text. Here we add Comic styles.

Finally we adjust and rasterize the form:

On top of the yellow text layer, create a new layer and add grunge brush strokes there.

Before we finish, we’ll add a texture to the background. Take a photo sheet of the newspaper and apply Image – Adjustment – Threshold (Image – Correction – Isohelium) to achieve contrast.

Now we apply the same technique that we used to create a purple hue. Select all black, change the color to bright red and put it on the background.

Next, apply the halftone pattern using Filter – Sketch – Halftone Pattern (Filters – Sketch – Halftone pattern). Make sure you use red and light red for the front and back colors.

Create a new layer on top of all the others. Choose red and pink for the front and front colors, respectively. Using Azalea brush, add flowers:

Almost done! You can change the blending mode of the topmost layer to Overlay (Overlap) to create an interesting effect.

And everything is ready! Hope you enjoyed it, enjoy it!

Author: tutzor

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