Create a club poster in Photoshop

Final result

Source materials:

STEP 1. Create a new document (600X700px).
Fill the document with black:

Download one of the Bokeh textures from the link at the beginning of the tutorial, and transfer to our document.

There is no need to reduce the saturation of these textures, because an extra layer of bokeh will help add variety and depth to the final work.

Simply apply a layer mask to the layer and use a large soft black brush to hide the upper part of the Bokeh texture. Next, reduce the opacity of this layer to 20%:

Repeat this step by adding a second bokeh texture and positioning it at the top of the composition:

STEP 2. Create a new layer, name this layer ‘white highlights’.

Using tool Radial gradient (radial gradients), setting the color of the gradient from white to transparent, draw a few white highlights in the center of the image:

Change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap (overlay), and then duplicate the layer so that the light effect is more intense:

Choose a tool Mirror gradient (reflected gradient), this tool can be found in the top toolbar next to Linear (linear) and Radial (radial) gradients.

Using a white to transparent gradient, create a mirror gradient just below the center of the image. Due to the properties of the mirror gradient, you should get an interesting gradient from transparent to white and back to white. Due to this gradient, we will create a light beam:

So, change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap (overlay):

Next, duplicate the layer to make the light effect more intense:

STEP 3 Upload a nightclub photo by moving it to our document and centering it on the left side of the image:

So, reduce the opacity of this layer to 60%. Create a layer mask and using a soft black brush, hide the sharp edges of the photo, for a more perfect combination with the background:

Create a new adjustment layer. Color tone / Saturation(hue / saturation), (remember to convert this adjustment layer to a clipping mask). Thus, the adjustment layer will affect only the underlying layer, and not the entire image:

Settings for the adjustment layer Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation):

Color tone (Hue): 0
Saturation (Saturation): -100
Brightness (Lightness): 0

Duplicate the photo with the Nightclub, move the duplicate to the right side of the document. Also apply the same adjustment layer to the duplicate and also hide the sharp edges of the image on the layer mask to create a smooth transition with the background:

STEP four. Repeat Step 3, this time add the images of the director’s console and the martini glass, at the bottom of the document.

Do not forget to create a correction layer. Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation) to each image, including the mask layer to create a smoother transition with the background. Adjust the layer opacity until you are satisfied with the result:

STEP 5. Select the image of the Mirror ball, then move the selected image to our document:

Reduce the opacity of the Mirror ball layer to 25%, add a layer mask to the layer and hide the lower right part of the mirror ball on the layer mask:

Create a new adjustment layer. Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation), use this adjustment layer as a clipping mask and reduce the saturation of the image with the mirror ball:

In conclusion, we want to give our ball an extra light reflection on top of it.

Apply layer styles to the ball layer. Inner shadow(inner shadow).

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Overlap (Overlay)
Colour (Color): ffffff
Opacity (Opacity): 100%
Angle (Angle): 90
Bias (Distance): 0px
Tightening (Choke): 0%
The size (Size): 6px

STEP 6. Create a new layer, name this layer ‘Overlapping color’.

Fill layer Linear gradient(linear gradient), gradient color range from 8e0fd2 to c53cf3.

Change the blending mode for this layer to Chromaticity (color) and reduce the opacity of this layer to 40%. This should give your composition a beautiful purple hue:

STEP 7. Now, we will create a beautiful pattern for the background of our poster.

Create a new document with dimensions (30X30px). I filled the background with black color, just for clarity, to show you the created pattern, but you do not fill the background with black light, it is very important that your background remains transparent when creating the pattern:

Draw a series of 1px points diagonally across the entire document until the shape of the cross is obtained:

Make sure you have a transparent background, then go Editing – Define a pattern (edit> define pattern).

Name the pattern “crosswise”.

Now, back to our original document. Create a new layer, name this layer “upper pattern”.

Let’s go Editing – Fill (edit> fill) and fill the layer with 50% gray.

Next, apply layer styles to this layer. Overlapping pattern (pattern overlay).

Settings for option Overlapping pattern (Pattern Overlay):

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Normal (Normal)
Opacity(Opacity): 7%
Pattern (Pattern): (select your cross pattern ’that you created earlier in this step)
Scale(Scale): 100%

In the screenshot below, you can see that due to the low opacity of 7%, the pattern is almost invisible, but it is very important that the pattern is subtle:

So click OK. Change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap (overlay) to hide the 50% gray fill, leaving only your pattern visible. Again, your design will be barely noticeable, but it will add additional details to your poster:

STEP 8. It’s time to add some text! Download the font from the link at the beginning of the lesson. Type the UB CLUBWORLD ’title in the upper center of the image.

Text settings for Poster title:

Font (Font): 42 Street HB
The size (Size): 66pt
Tracking for selected characters (Kerning): -50
Colour(Color): d9c6e1

Apply layer styles Inner shadow (Inner Shadow), External glow (Outer Glow) and Gradient overlay (Gradient Overlay):

Settings for option Inner shadow (Inner Shadow):

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Multiplication (Multiply)
Colour (Color): 000000
Opacity (Opacity): 36%
Angle (Angle): 90
Bias (Distance): 1px
Tightening (Choke): 0%
The size (Size): 5px

Settings for option External glow (Outer Glow):

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Lightening (Screen)
Opacity (Opacity): 11%
Noise (Noise):%
Colour (Color): ffffff
Swipe (Spread): 0%
The size (Size): 40px

Gradient overlay (Gradient Overlay):

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Normal (Normal)
Opacity (Opacity): 100%
Gradient (Gradient): Color limits from: 550876 to bd4ef3
Style(Style): Linear(Linear)
Angle(Angle): 90
Scale(Scale): 100%

Create a new layer, name this layer ‘highlight on clubworld’ text. Press Ctrl + click on the thumbnail of the text layer to load the text selection. Then, make sure that you are standing on the w light layer of the clubworld ’text; create a gradient in the center of the text from white to transparent using a radial gradient. Thanks to the active selection, the radial gradient will not go beyond the boundaries of your text.

Now, change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay) and reduce the opacity to 50%. This should create a beautiful lighting effect in the center of your title text:

STEP 9. Add small text at the top and bottom of the title text.

Shallow Text Settings:

Font (Font): Aller
The size (Size): 14pt
Tracking for selected characters (Kerning): -50
Colour (Color): cf83f0

Apply layer styles to this layer. External glow(outer glow).

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Normal (Normal)
Opacity (Opacity): 40%
Noise (Noise): 0
Colour (Color): ffffff
Swipe (Spread): 0%
The size (Size): 27px

STEP 10. Download the model image from the link at the beginning of the lesson, select and move the image with the man to our document.

Add a layer mask to the layer with the man, and using a soft black brush, hide the lower part of the man’s legs for a smoother transition with the background:

Next, create a new adjustment layer. Color Balance (color balance), use this adjustment layer as a clipping mask.

Sveta (Highlights): -8 / -12 / -4
Mid tones (Midtones): -8 / -8 / +6
Shadows(Shadows): +1 / -1 / +4

Also apply layer styles External glow (Outer Glow), so that the man really catches the eye on this background:

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Overlap (Overlay)
Opacity (Opacity): 50%
Noise (Noise): 0%
Colour(Color): ffffff
Swipe(Spread): 0%
The size(Size): 100px

STEP eleven. Choose a soft brush, set the brush size to 2px, set the brush color to white.

Next, create a new layer, name this layer ‘glowing stroke’. Using tool Pen (pen tool) create a wavy line across the entire width of the man. Then, right-click on the line and select the option Perform a stroke (stroke path). In the window that appears, tick Simulate pressure (simulate pressure) to create a more natural effect.

Your created line will be outlined with a 2px white brush:

On separate layers, draw more lines with the pen and brush tools:

So, apply a layer mask to each layer with luminous strokes and hide some sections of the lines with a soft round brush to create the illusion of a 3D painting. Try to create a feeling that the lines seem to twist the man’s figure:

Apply blend mode Overlap (overlay) to all created layers to create a beautiful light effect!

Settings for option External glow (Outer Glow):

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Normal (Normal)
Opacity (Opacity): 100%
Colour (Color): d566ec
Swipe (Spread): 0%
The size (Size): 8px

STEP 12. It’s time to create even more light effects!

Using tool Mirror gradient (reflected gradient tool), draw a white beam across the entire width of the image:

Now, change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay) and reduce the opacity to 80%

Duplicate this layer several times, place duplicate layers along the entire height of the document. I also applied a layer mask to each duplicate to hide the left / right ends of the light rays for smoother alignment with the background:

STEP 13. We want to create a darker and more smoky area around the legs of a man.

To do this, create a new layer, name this layer ‘cloud’. Use the Render filter to create black and white clouds. Filter – Rendering – Clouds (filter> render> clouds).

Next, change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay) and using the layer mask to hide all the clouds except the bottom of the image:

STEP 14. Create a new layer, name this layer “radial glare overlap”.

Create a series of light highlights with a radial gradient from white to transparent over the main areas of your composition to which you want to apply a lighting effect:

Change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap (overlay) and reduce the opacity to 20%:

STEP 15. Create a new layer, name this layer ‘vignette’. We will create a slight vignette effect around the edges and corners of our image to focus attention in the center.

Using a large soft black brush, about 20% opacity, draw around the edges and corners of the image:

STEP 16. Add text at the bottom of the document. Use the same font that you used for small text in the title text area:

STEP 17 Finally, create two adjustment layers. Levels (levels) and Gradient map (gradient map). DO NOT apply clipping masks to these adjustment layers, as we want the correction to be applied to the entire image, and not just to the underlying layer.

Settings for the adjustment layer Levels (Level):

5 / 1.08 / 240

Settings for the adjustment layer Gradient map (Gradient Map):

Gradient (Gradient): Default is orange yellow orange
Blend mode (Layer Blend Mode): Overlap (overlay)
Opacity (Opacity): 7%

And we finished the lesson!

You can view the final result below. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and would love to hear your opinion on the technique of performance and the result.

Final result

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