Create a logo in the style of the film & ldquo; The Chronicles of Narnia & rdquo;

In this lesson we will learn how to create a logo in the style of the film The Chronicles of Narnia

Step 1. Download the font you need in this lesson from this link.
Create a new document.(Ctrl +N) and write The Chronicles of Narnia. The author chose the size of the document. 1600×560 pixels with background color #1a3586.

Text The chronicles of ” and text “Narnia” must be on two separate layers. Choose letter size 40 pt for text “The chronicles of “And 150 pt for text “Narnia” and place as shown in the picture.

Step 2. Dfirst click on the text layer Narnia ” in order to set the following layer styles:

Step 3. Right click on the text layer “Narnia”And select Copy layer style ”(copy the layer style), now right click on the text layer The WITHhronicles of ” and select an item Paste layer Style ” (insert layer style) Next double click on the text layer The WITHhronicles of ” and make changes to the following layer styles:

Step 4. Choose a tool Pen tool ” (Pen) and draw an outline for the half banner, as shown in the image:

Step 5. Create a new layer, click Load path as selection ” (Load outline as selection) tab Paths (Outlines) and the resulting selection fill with yellow

Step 6. Choose a tool Burn tool ” (dimmer) and set for it exposure ” (exposure) 50 % and begin to darken the place of the banner bends. Use the tool selection tool ”(highlights) to isolate different parts of the banner for areas where you need to create solid boundaries between light and dark areas. Also use the tool Dodge tool(clarifier), for clarification of the raised sites of a banner.

Step 7. Duplicate the half banner layer and flip it horizontally. Edit – Transform – Flip Horizontal ” (Editing – Transforming – Flip Horizontally). Drive around the two halves of the banner (Ctrl +E) in one piece.

Step 8. Shadows of the banner turned out to be too saturated, it is necessary to make them a little paler. To do this, select the menu item Image – Adjustments – Replace Color ” (Image – Correction – Replace color) and click on any shadow area and reduce Saturation and Lightness ” (Saturation and Brightness).

Step 9. Double click on the banner layer and apply the following layer styles:

Step 10. Choose a toolTypetool (horizontal text) and write text The Lion, The Witchand The Wardrobe on the banner. Use for lettering blackcolor, TimesNewRoman, Tracking= -75, FauxBold, SmallCaps (black color, Times New Roman font, font size 44 pt, tracking = -75, Faux Bold, small capital letters).

Step 11. Select the tool “Warp Text tool ” (text deformations), text deformation style “Arch ” (Arch) for the text we wrote in the previous step.

Step 12. Open a photo of the sky with clouds and place it above the layer. background
(background). Author used this photo from SXC

Step 13. Click (Ctrl + M), to bring up a windowCurves ” (Curves). Adjust the contrast of the sky so that it looks more impressive. Approximately as in the figure of the author.

Step 14. Create a new layer below the banner layer. Choose a tool Pen tool ” (pen) and draw the shape as shown.

Step 15. Fill the resulting figure (#be8649) by color, duplicate the layer, flip horizontally and merge into one (as well as they did with the banner).

Step 16. Double click on the resulting layer and apply the following styles to the layer:

Step 17. Create a new layer and use the tool Polygonal Lasso tool ” (rectangular lasso) draw a sword blade and fill it (#a7b6b9) color.

Step 18. Double click on the resulting layer and apply the following styles to the layer:

Step 19. Duplicate the blade layer (Ctrl +J). Then press the key combination (Ctrl +T) and narrow the copy to make a gutter for the blade.

Step 20. Double click on the resulting layer in order to change the layer style settings “Bevel and Emboss ” (embossed) on the following:

Step 21 Create a new layer above the sky layer, make a selection using the tool Elliptical Marquee tool ” (Oval area), then fill it with a pale pink color (#d09ea1)

Step 22 Now we need to apply several filters to make our circle shining. Apply filter Filter – Distort – Polar Coordinates – Polar to Rectangular ”(Filter-Distortion – Polar coordinates – Polar to rectangular).

Then expand the image Image – Rotate – 90 CCW ” (Image – Rotate the canvas 90 degrees counterclockwise).

Apply a filter to the expanded image Filter – Stylize – Wind – Wind, From the Left ” (Filter – Stylization – Wind – Wind, left), and click (Ctrl +F) several times to repeat the last applied filter.

Next, apply the following filter Filter – Blur – Motion Blur ” (Filter-Blur-Blur in motion) to soften the effect.

Step 23 Now return the image to its original position. Image – Rotate – 90 CW ” (Image – Rotate the canvas 90 degrees clockwise), and also change the coordinates from rectangular back to polar Filter – Distort – Polar Coordinates – Polar to Rectangular ”(Filter-Distortion – Polar coordinates – Polar to rectangular). After that, set the blending mode for the shine layer to Linear Dodge (Linear Dodge).

Step 24 Create a gradient like in the picture below. “Opacity (opacity) from 100 % before 0% colors # fbf27c and # f5bf62 ”. Create a new layer (ctrl + click) on a layer with heat and fill the selection with a radial gradient.

Step 25. Choose a toolBurn Tool ” (Dimmer tool) with exposure 90% and darken the top of the layer created in the previous step.

Step 26. Take a soft round brush, change its parameters as shown in the picture and draw magic dust on the new layer (in white).

Step 27. Choose a brush Crosshatch ” from section Assorted brushes ” and add the rays to the largest magical dust particles.

Step 28. Create a new layer below the banner layer. Make a selection for the banner shadow with the tool Elliptical Marquee tool (tool “Oval area”). Right click on the selection, select Feather ” (Feather) and set the feather value to 15. Fill the selection with black, opacity (opacity) layer set to 80% and blend mode for layer Multiply “ (Multiplication).

This is what the author of the lesson did.

Author: Nataly Alaeva
Transfer: Artfat
Link to the source of the lesson

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