This lesson shows the process of creating a vintage poster for the Winter Olympics. We will combine several images and use additional textures and brushes to achieve the desired effect on paper.
Final result:
Lesson resources:
Step 1. Create a new document (Ctrl + N) of any size with a white background. Set the resolution between 150 and 300dp and the CMYK color mode if you plan to print a poster. But for the lesson I used a 842×1190 pixel canvas with a resolution of 72dpi in RGB mode.
Step 2. Insert a photo of mountains into our document. This image will be our foundation.
Add a mask to the mountain layer (Layer> Mask Layer> Show All / Layer> Layer Mask> RevealAll). Choose a tool Gradient(Gradient Tool) (G), set the fill color to # 000000, set the gradient in the tool settings From basic to transparent (Foreground to Transparent). Make some gradient fills from the bottom of the canvas up. This will help create a smooth transition from the white background at the bottom of the canvas to the snow of the photo.
Step 3. The sky in the photo with the mountains looks boring, so we will replace it. Insert an image of the sky and tool Free transform (Ctrl + T) adjust the size.
Bleach the sky layer (Ctrl + Shift + U).
Install Blend mode layer with the sky on Overlap (Overlay).
Remembering the previous step, add a mask to the layer with the sky and make a gradient fill on the mask to soften the lower edge of the sky. Gradient – from black to transparent.
Step 4. Open the snowboarder’s photo in a separate Photoshop document and tool Pen(Pen Tool) (P) Create an outline around the person and the board. Click Ctrl + Enter, to convert the contour to the selected area.
Tool Move (Move Tool) (V) Move the snowboarder to the main document. Tool Free transform (Ctrl + T) change its size and location. If you wish, you can rotate it a little.
Step 5. Load the spray brushes in Photoshop. Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) on top of the rest and use a white brush to paint the snow under the board.
Add a mask to the spray / snow layer. Black brush hide those parts of the snow that, in your opinion, do not fit into the big picture.
Step 6. Select all the layers in the layers palette and place them in a group (Ctrl + G). Make a copy of the group using the context menu.
Merge the copy of the group into one layer (Ctrl + E).
Now hide the original group.
Make two copies of the top layer with the entire image. Hide the upper copy and select the lower one. Apply a filter to it. Gaussian blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) with a Radius value of 5 pixels.
Install Blend mode layer on Multiplication (Multiply).
Make the top layer visible and discolor it (Ctrl + Shift + U).
Apply a filter to this layer. Colour contrast (Filter> Other> Color Contrast) (Filter> Other> High Pass).
Install Blend mode on Soft light (Soft Light).
Step 7. Select all three top layers, create a copy of them (transfer them to the icon for creating a new layer in the lower part of the layers palette) and merge copies into one layer (Ctrl + E). Apply a filter to the resulting layer. Gaussian blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur) with a Radius value of 5 pixels.
Add a mask to this layer and big brushblack with soft edges and 40% opacity make a couple of clicks on the snowboarder.
Lower Opacity (Opacity) layer up to 70%.
Step 8. Now we need the font “Franchise Bold”. Choose a tool Horizontal text(Horizontal Type Tool) (T) and create the first text line “CHAMONIX-MONT BLANC”. Set the blending mode of the text layer to Linear dimmer (Linear Burn). To open the font settings window, go to the menu Window> Symbol (Window> Character).
Add a pixel layer to the text layer. mask, Select one of the grunge brushes with an opacity of 40% and paint the text in black.
Add another text string. The text color is # 5477a8.
Install Blend mode text layer on Linear dimmer (Linear Burn) and lower Opacity (Opacity) up to 70%. Add a maskLayer and grunge brushes paint text.
Insert the Olympic rings into our document and add text to the right of them. Font settings for each line, see the screenshot below. Install Blend mode for logo and text on Lightening (Screen).
Add airline logo.
Step 9. Paste the paper texture into our document. Use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl + T) to change the paper size and set Blend mode on Multiplication (Multiply).
Tool EllipseTool (U) Draw a circle with color # 810000.
Set the blending mode of the circle layer to Overlap (Overlay) and lower Opacity (Opacity) up to 40%.
Insert the metal texture into our document, reduce it and set Blend mode – Soft light (Soft Light), Opacity (Opacity) – 40%.
Step 10. Insert the crumpled paper with scratches into our paper and change its size to cover the canvas.
Set the Blend Mode to Brighten (Screen) and lower Opacity (Opacity) – 50%.
Make the paper folds more visible. Create a new layer and tool Rectangular area (Rectangular Marquee Tool) (M) create a selection as shown below.
Set the foreground color to #ffffff. Choose a tool Gradient (Gradient Tool) (G): From basic to transparent. Make a fill from the top of the selection, as shown below.
Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) on top of the others, change the fill color to black and make another fill upwards.
Now create a vertical fold using the method described above.
Lower the Opacity of all layers with folds up to 60%.
Step 11. On top of all layers create an adjustment layer. Brightness / Contrast (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Brightness / Contrast) (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Brightness / Contrast):
Brightness: +10
Contrast: +80
Author: Nikola Lazarevic
Transfer: Gleb Khegai
Link to the source of the lesson