In this tutorial, we’re going to create a great poster with an Audi R8 GTR in the foreground and amazing effects using Photoshop and some textures.
Final image:
Step 1
Before you start, download the archive with the source materials and create a new document with the size of 1500 x 1800 px, Resolution (Resolution) 72dpi, ColorMode (Color mode) RGB 8bit, BackgroundContents (Background content) red (# c40000).
Step 2
Then take the tool GradientTool (G) (Gradient) select Radial The (radial) gradient is from white to transparent and draw as follows.
Now paste the 3D form into the document and set it up as shown below.
Step 3
Next, take the tool Eraser (E) (Eraser) with a soft round brush, Hardness (Hardness) 0%, Opacity (Opacity) 70% and erase the edges of the image to get the following result.
After that, reduce Opacity (Opacity) layer up to 50%.
Step 4
Next, import the second 3D form and configure it as shown in the image below.
Decrease Opacity (Opacity) up to 35%.
Step 5
Now paste the spray paint texture into the document.
Change the blending mode to Lighten (Replacing Light).
Step 6
Do the same with the fire texture.
Change the blending mode to Screen (Screen).
Step 7
Now insert the shown image of the Audi R8, if you prefer an image of another model, feel free to use it.
Create a reflection and shadow, as shown below.
Then paste the following texture into the document.
Step 8
Next, go to the menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur).
After that go to menu Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation (Image> Correction> Hue / Saturation).
Then change its blending mode to Overlay (Overlap) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 70%.
Step 9
Now paste in the next flash image and superimpose it on the headlights of the car.
Change its blending mode to Screen (Screen).
Duplicate the flash image twice (Ctrl + J) and move one copy to the spotlight on the other side, and place the second duplicate on a white gradient background.
Step 10
Next, add an adjustment layer. PhotoFilter (Photo Filter) through the menu Layer> NewAdjustmentLayer> PhotoFilter (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Photo Filter).
Add one more adjustment layer Selective color (Selective color correction), through the menu Layer> NewAdjustmentLayer> SelectiveColor (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Selective Color Correction).
Finally add a correction layer. GradientMap (Gradient Map) through the menu Layer> New Adjustment Layer> GradientMap (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Gradient Map). Change the blending mode to SoftLight (Soft Light) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 68%.
What gives us the result: