Create a summer flyer design in Photoshop

Warm summer weather outside. Everyone takes the best from summer. People relax on the sea, sunbathe under the sun and arrange noisy parties until dawn. As usual, flyers, invitations to such parties are distributed on the beach. As soon as the author saw a similar flyer, he decided to do the same and even better.

Do not worry that such a flyer will be useful only in the summer. This lesson can be used to create absolutely any flyers and the time of year does not matter.
The author claims that this lesson is not for beginners, but for those who are not the first day in Photoshop.
So let’s start the lesson and create an amazing summer flyer design.

The result of the lesson:

Open Photoshop and create a new document. The size is 4.25 x 6.25 inches. Resolution: 300 dpi, color mode: CMYK.

Fill the background with color # 78bbc8. Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and place it over the background layer. Load the Sky brush and paint roughly as shown below.

Now we have to separate the girl from the background on the image that you downloaded earlier. This can be done with the tool. Fast selection(Quick Selection Tool). So highlight the model.

Open function Refine edge (Refine Edge). Put the View (View) on Black and white (Black White). Check the options Smart radius (Smart Radius) and change the radius to 95-100, as in the image below.

Now let’s change View mode (View Mode) on position On the black (On Black). As you can see, a small part of the background still remains in the hair. In order to solve this problem, check the option Clear colors (Decontaminate Colors) and install Effect (Amount) to 65-70. Option Exit in (Output To) put in position New layer with layer mask (New Layer with Layer Mask).

As you can see, we got rid of the background and the layer mask will allow us to edit the separated model if we need to correct any lost areas.

Author’s Note: In addition, if necessary, you can adjust the brightness, contrast, color balance and other parameters.

Select all layers (for convenience), right-click and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to Smart Object). Drag the layer you got to the flyer document.

Now select the favorite picture with the beach, delete the sky in any way (you can use the method the same as for the model) and move this layer to the document with the flyer.

Combine the layers with the beach and sky, then apply the filter Blur – Gaussian Blur (Blur – Gaussian Blur) and put Radius (Radius) 9 pixels.

Create a new document 100? 100 pixels and draw a star. Then define the brush in the menu Editing – Define a brush (Edit – Define Brush).

Return to the flyer document. Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and place it between the layers with the girl and the beach. Activate the tool Brush(Brush Tool) and open the settings window (F5). Make the settings as shown below in the screenshots:

Now paint with a brush in the same way as in the bottom screenshot.

To remove too bright background, create a new layer above the beach, fill it with white using the tool Fill (Paint Bucket Tool) and change Opacity (Opacity) up to 60-65%. To add a little bit of magic to the picture, draw a couple of sparkles on the model.

Before we begin the text effects, let’s work with the background. So, create another layer and add effects with different brushes to achieve the same effect:

Now prepare a place for the text. Reduce a little girl and raise it higher, it will look better. In order not to be confused in layers, combine them. Activate the tool Rounded Rectangle(Rounded Rectangle Tool) in Figure mode and draw a rectangle with color f9941e, as in the screenshot below.

Add the following layer styles:

Shadow (Drop Shadow)

Inner shadow (Inner Shadow)

Stamping (BevelEmboss)

Gradient overlay (Gradient Overlay)

Stroke (Stroke)

Create a new layer and with the Alt key pressed, click between it and the rectangle layer in order to Create clipping mask (Creating Clipping Mask). Overlay mode for new layer change to Soft light (Soft Light). Activate the tool Brush (Brush Tool), preload Retro brushes and make prints in white and black.

Duplicate the rectangle layer Ctrl + J. Clear all styles on the copy, fill it with black color, place it in the layers palette under the original rectangle layer. Rasterize (Rasterize) this layer.

Go to the menu Editing – Free Transformation (Edit – Free Transformation) or click Ctrl + T.

Do the following transformation.

Add some blur to the menu FilterBlur – Gaussian Blur (Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur) and put Radius (Radius) 10 pixels.

Delete unwanted areas at the top of the shape and set Opacity (Opacity) 30%.

Choose a tool Eraser(Eraser Tool) size of 300 pixels Rigidity (Hardness) 0% and slightly erase the shadow in the corners.

It’s time to add text to our amazing, colorful flyer. The author used the font Devil Breeze with a size of 158 pt and color f9f9fa.

Author’s Note: depending on the size of the label, the rectangle to be changed can be changed in size, in our case it has become wider.
Apply the following styles to the text.

Shadow (Drop Shadow)

Stamping (BevelEmboss)

Overlay gradient (Gradient Overlay)

Stroke (Stroke)

Below is the result at the moment.

You can add a slogan or any additional text below the main one. The author used the font Bioliquid with a size of 50 pt and wrote it in white ffffff.

Author’s Note: if you do not have enough space for text, you can always edit the size of the shape below it.

This is what the text looks like.

To select the bottom text on the background, create a new layer and place it above the layer with the rectangle and the retro brushes. Now create a selection with the tool Rectangle selection(Rectangular Marquee Tool). Choose a tool Fill (Paint Bucket Tool) and fill the selection with color 1fb0cd.

Add style Stroke (Stroke) to the created layer.

Add style Shadow (Drop Shadow) to the slogan.

You should have something like this result.

The author noted that designers love to decorate flyers with various elements. Therefore, he also offers to do it. We are suitable palm branch and palm leaves. Images of cocktails, tropical flowers and birds, coconut, you can easily find on the Internet yourself.

Arrange all items on the flyer in close proximity to each other. Combine them into a group and place under the layer with the girl.

That’s how the author came up with a lesson.

We are nearing the finish line. Now you need to add a description of the event, date and information about the invited guests. Let’s start with the event information. Place this text block below the party name. Write text in bold Bioliquid with size 42 pt and color 256676.

You can apply highlighting to the text. Use a large brush and on the new layer, placing it under the text, make an imprint with white color and a hardness of 0%.

Now we need to write the date of the event, placing it above the girl. Use font Devil Breeze with size 80 pt and with color # 276676.

Here’s what it looks like.

Create a group and place a text layer in it. Duplicate the text. Merge copies and apply to the resulting layer. Filter – Blur – Motion Blur (Filter – Blur – Motion Blur).

Make this effect softer by adding style Color overlay (Color Overlay) with color # 56a7bb.

Now on the flyer, we need to show guests invited to the party. To do this, select the tool Arbitrary shape (Custom Shape Tool) and find the star in the preview window, after adding it from the sets. Draw two stars of any color.

Open two photos of invited guests. Move them to a flyer document. Place the first image above the first star in the layers palette, and the second above the second star. Reduce the photo of the guests so that they are visible inside the stars. Select the first photo and go to the menu. Layers – Create Clipping Mask (Layer – Create Clipping Mask). Do the same with the second photo.

Add the following styles for star shapes (not photos).

Inner shadow (Inner Shadow)

Stroke (Stroke).

Add text with guest names and arrange as shown below.

That’s it, the flyer is ready!

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