Create a video game cover in Photoshop

Final result

Source materials:

STEP 1. Create a new document (600X700px). Fill the document with black:

STEP 2. Download the image of the old warehouse and move it to our document, scale the image to the size of our document:

Next, reduce the layer opacity to about 10%.

Next, apply adjustment layers. Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation) and Levels (Level), each adjustment layer is used as a clipping mask.

Settings for the adjustment layer Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation):

Color tone (Hue): 0
Saturation (Saturation): -100
Brightness (Lightness): 0

Settings for the adjustment layer Levels (Level):

43 / 0.75 / 255

STEP 3. Now, open the image of the old building. Move the image with the building to our document, centered. Next, apply a layer mask to the layer. Using a soft black brush, process the bottom of the image to hide it and more smoothly combine it with the main background:

Next, reduce the opacity of this layer to 7%. Also apply an adjustment layer. Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation) as a clipping mask.

Settings for the adjustment layer Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation):

Color tone (Hue): 0
Saturation (Saturation): -100
Brightness (Lightness): 0

STEP 4. Next, upload an image. space abstraction by reference at the beginning of this lesson.

Move to our document and position it so that the light source of abstraction emanates from the right side of our document. Next, change the blending mode for this layer to Lightening (screen). This will help to hide the black background of the image, while the rest of the image will be visible.

Next, reduce the opacity of this layer to 6%:

Next, apply adjustment layers. Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation) and Levels (Level):

Settings for the adjustment layer Hue / Saturation (hue / saturation):

Color tone (Hue): 0
Saturation (Saturation): -100
Brightness (Lightness): 0

Settings for the adjustment layer Levels (Level):

26 / 1.11 / 255

STEP 5. It’s time to add a light effect to the background!
First, create a new layer, name it white highlights.

Create a few Radial gradients (radial gradients), in the gradient settings, set the gradient type from white to transparent:

Next, change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay):

STEP 6. Now, create a new layer, name this layer. blue highlights. Draw several radial gradients in the color range from # 37afee to transparent. Focus mainly on the right side of the image:

Next, change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap (overlay):

Repeat this step, but on the new layer, name the new layer. light blue highlights. This time use radial gradients in the color range from # 9ddbfb to transparent:

Change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay):

STEP 7. Next, create a new layer, name this layer. rectangle. Using tool Pen (Pen tool) draw a slanted rectangle. Fill the selection with white and lower the layer opacity to 7%:

Next, duplicate the rectangle layer several times to create a series of such oblique rectangles:

STEP 8. So, cut the image of special forces soldiers. Move the cut image to our document, placing it at the bottom of the document:

Now, apply layer styles to this layer, in the layer styles select the option external glow:

Settings for option External glow (Outer Glow):

Blend mode (Blend Mode): Lightening (Screen)
Opacity (Opacity): 15%
Noise (Noise): 0%
Colour (Color): 8bd8ff
Swipe (Spread): 0%
The size (Size): 18px

Next, on the city image layer, apply new adjustment layers. Levels (Level) Color balance (Color Balance), as a clipping mask.

Settings for the adjustment layer Levels (Level):
28 / 0.88 / 255

Settings for the adjustment layer Color balance (Color Balance):
Mid tones (Midtones): -28 / +8 / +9

STEP 9. Next, let’s create light effects on top of the special forces team.

Create a new layer, name this layer. blue highlights over special forces.

Draw radial gradients on top of the special forces team, setting the gradient colors from # 9eddfe to transparent:

Next, change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay) and reduce the layer opacity to 50%:

Repeat the same technique on the new layer, add a few more radial gradients in the color range from white to transparent on those areas where you would like to add light:

Next, reduce the opacity of this layer to 25% and change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay):

STEP 10. Next, create a new layer, name this layer “bleaching / darkening”. Let’s go Editing – Fill (edit> fill) and fill the layer with 50% gray. Then, change the blending mode to Overlap (overlay). This mode will hide your fill with 50% gray, but will allow you to make light correction without harming your image.

Use soft black brush about 10% opacity to create shadows and a soft white brush to lighten.

In the screenshots below, you can see the ‘bleaching / darkening’ layer under normal blending mode and blending mode Overlap (overlay):

STEP 11. Next, create a new layer, name this layer ‘noise’. Fill again with a layer of 50% gray, and then go Filter – Noise – Add Noise (filter> noise> add noise).

Settings for option Noise (Noise):

amount (Amount): 40%
Distribution (Distribution): according to Gauss (Gaussian)
Monochrome (Monochromatic)

Next, change the blending mode for this layer to Overlap (overlay) and reduce the layer opacity to 20%. This will give your image a slightly perceptible noise effect:

STEP 12. At the top of the document, select the rectangular area 50 px. Fill the selected area Linear gradient (linear gradient), setting the color gradient from # dadada to # f4f5f5.

Next, in the bottom of the created area, draw a blue strip:

STEP 13. Download the Coalition font and type the name of your video game, place the text in the upper right above the special forces team:

Next, download the set of brushes Grunge spots. Create a new layer, name this layer. text spots and apply a black brush from the brush set on top of your text.

So, apply a blending mask to the layer with stains, due to this, the stains will be visible only on the text. Also reduce the opacity of this layer to 70% to make the effect more subtle:

STEP 14. Before we finish, download the font. space age the link at the beginning of this tutorial, as well as the icons and icons. Place these elements in the corners of your composition, as usual make out the covers for game consoles:

And we finished the lesson!

You can view the final result below. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and would love to hear your opinion on the technique of performance and the result.

Final result

Author: Tom
Translator: Sadigaliyev Marat
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