Today, the use of geometric objects is very common in the design industry. You can also create an interesting design with a few simple forms in Adobe Photoshop.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create beautiful elements and transform them into Smart Objects before applying beautiful and varied textures to them.
And also browse the wide selection of amazing geometric patterns on the GraphicRiver website.
1. How to create a circular geometric pattern
Step 1
Before we begin, make sure you have all the items you need to do this work. So choose Custom shape tool (Freeform) (U) and go to the drop-down menu Shape (Figure). Then click on the option All (All) to download the full selection of available forms.
When Photoshop asks to replace the current shapes with a new collection, simply click OK.
Step 2
Next, create a new document. I will set the size to 2500 x 2500 pixels. Now let’s start with the first pattern. Choose a tool Ellipse tool (Ellipse) (U) and create a big black circle.
Step 3
Press the key combination Control–J, to duplicate the circle and resize it with FreeTransformTool (Free Transformation) (Control-T). This time Fill Make the (fill) shapes opaque, and also select a white stroke in the parameters and set its value to 10 pixels.
Step 4
Duplicate (Control-J) the circle with the white stroke. Resize the stroke by 5 pixels, and then use FreeTransform (Free Transform) reduce it by about half the size of the previous circle. Place this circle on top so that both circles touch each other at the top.
Now create a duplicate of the small circle and place it at the bottom.
Duplicate a small circle a few more times. Start placing each new circle in a circle counterclockwise. First, place a circle on the right and left side to make the first four circles as reference points for the other circles.
To arrange the remaining copies, make sure that you have enabled SmartGuides (Quick guides), go to View> Show> Smart Guides (View> Show> Quick Guides). Use the tool again. MoveTool (Move) (V) to move the remaining circles.
Here is the final pattern that came out of circles without texture. When you’re done, select all layers, then right-click and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to smart object). In the future, this will allow you to easily apply any texture or photo in subsequent stages.
2. How to create a geometric pattern in ethnic style
Step 1
For the next design I was inspired by the sacred corner elements, often found in religious patterns. Choose a tool Ellipse tool (Ellipse) (U) and draw a big circle. Make transparent Fill (Fill) and set the dotted black stroke to 15 pixels. If you need to see the properties panel, just go to Window> Properties (Window> Properties).
Step 2
Now select the tool CustomShapeTool (Arbitrary shape) (u) and take the shape of a triangle. Draw a large triangle in the center of the circle with a solid black stroke of 15 pixels. Next, press the key combination Control–J, to duplicate the triangle and then go to Edit > Transform > FlipVertical (Edit> Transform> Flip Vertically) and place the second triangle as shown below.
Duplicate one of the triangles and using FreeTransform (Free Transform) (Control-T) reduce it. Place the third triangle as shown below. Then duplicate this triangle and go to the menu Edit > Transform > FlipVertical (Edit> Transform> Flip Vertically) to position it on the opposite side to get a balance.
Duplicate one of the small triangles again and place it in the middle of the circle, just below the center of the large triangle.
Step 3
Use the tool PenTool (Pen) (P) to create the outline of the shape that turned out in the middle, and fill it with black.
When you are done, select all layers, then right-click and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to smart object). Here is the final result.
3. How to create a flower-like geometric pattern
Step 1
Further, with the help of a geometric pattern, we will make a unique floral shape made of only five circles. Choose a tool Ellipse tool (Ellipse) (U) and create a big black circle. Duplicate (Control-J) the circle and use free transformation (Control-T) to reduce its size. This time Fill (Fill) do not touch, but do Stroke (Stroke) solid white line and set the size to 30 pixels.
Place this circle in the upper right corner of the black circle.
Step 2
Duplicate the circle with the white outline three times. Via Free transform (Free Transform) (Control-T) change the size of the two circles so as to position each of them on the opposite side inside the circle. This ultimately creates a cool 3D look.
Step 3
Next, using Free transform (Free Transform) (Control-T) reduce the size of the third circle so that it is smaller than the others, and place it in the center. As before, select all layers in circles, right-click and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to smart object). Here is our final design!
4. How to create a hexagonal geometric pattern
Step 1
I will create the last pattern using a hexagonal shape. Choose a tool Polygon tool (Polygon) (U) and create a hexagon shape without Fill (Fills), just make a black stroke with a size of 5 pixels. Select a dotted line to stroke.
Step 2
Duplicate (Control-J) the shape of the hexagon and make it slightly smaller with FreeTransform (Free Transformation) (Control-T). Change the stroke type to a solid black line, and also set the size to 10 pixels.
Step 3
Now take the tool CustomShapeTool (Arbitrary shape) (U) and use the same triangle shape that we used in the previous steps. Create a large triangle with a solid black stroke; set the stroke size to 10 pixels and position it in the center of the hexagon.
Step 4
Now select the tool Line tool (Line) (U), create a solid black line, the size of the line is 10 pixels and place it in the left corner of the hexagon. This line should go from the angle of the hexagon and connect the center from the left line of the triangle. Duplicate this line and then go to the menu. Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal (Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontally) and place it on the right side. Next, create a third line that connects the bottom corner of the hexagon to the line of the triangle in the middle.
Step 5
And to finish this pattern, select the tool. CustomShapeTool (Arbitrary shape) (U) and create a triangle in the center of the pattern. Fill the triangle with black and set a stroke of 10 pixels. As always, make sure you select all the layers with the shapes and right-click to convert them into a smart object.
5. How to apply various photos and textures to geometric patterns
Step 1
Now go to the textures! We can apply different textures or photographs to the created geometric patterns, since we have converted them into Smart objects (Smart Object). With their help, we can get a terrific effect.
Place each geometric Smart object (Smart Object) into its own group.
Step 2
Let’s add texture! Here I will use the sixth grunge texture from the “Grunge Texture Pack” archive from the GraphicRiver website. Just copy and paste the texture on a new layer for each group. Right-click on the texture layer and apply it as Clipping mask (Clipping mask) for the smart object, then change the blending mode to Hard light (Hard light). Make sure that Smart object (Smart Object) has a transparent background, otherwise the image with the texture will go beyond the boundaries of our pattern.
Do not be afraid to move the texture and place it differently for each geometric pattern.
Step 3
In addition, you can add a beautiful image as Clipping mask (Clipping mask) under a layer with or without a texture. Here I used “Sunset Stock” from Pixabay.
This time set the blending mode Screen (Screen).
Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Remember that creating interesting geometric shapes in Photoshop will be easy when you get acquainted with the Shape Tool.
Continue to experiment with a variety of patterns and have fun, including these elements in any creative project! If you have any questions, you can leave a comment below.