Draw the box layout in Photoshop

In today’s very simple tutorial, we will learn how to create a realistic box layout for a product in Photoshop.

This image was made to help you create your layout. First we draw a box, then add a little decoration to it. At the end of the lesson, I will show you how to create shadows and highlights, making the work realistic. To complete the lesson will require Photoshop CS3 or newer.

Step 1

Start by creating a document with a size of 1588 x 1191 pixels. Change the background color to #d2d3d5.

To make the work more accurate and organized, we will need Rulers (Rulers) and Nets (Grids). The first can be found in the menu Browse> Rulers (View> Rulers) or call by pressing Ctrl + R. The second important tool is in View> Show> Grid (View> Show> Grids). You can also turn on the grid by clicking Ctrl + ‘. Here are my settings for grids, correct yours in the same way and it will be easier to pass this lesson.

Step 2

Create New group (New Group), name it “Right side”. Create a new layer, name it the same way. With the tool Rectangular area (Rectangular Marquee Tool) select the area of ​​795 x 1078 pixels. Fill the selection with any color. I chose white (#FFFFFF).

Now make the layer a smart object. To do this, right-click on it and select Convert to smart object (Make A Smart Object). This will allow you to change the contents of the layer without destroying it.

Step 3

Create a group called “Left Side”. Create a layer, name it in the same way. As in the previous step, you need to select the area and fill it with color. This time, create a selection of 483×1078 pixels. Turn this layer into a smart object.

Step 4

Before moving on to the design itself, let’s correct the layers and turn them into a realistic 3D box. Let’s start on the right side. Select this layer, click Ctrl + T. First of all, you need to tighten the rectangle (up to about 75%) until its height is about 814. Do not forget to click on the chain icon in the top parameter panel. Then go to menu Editing> Transforming> Perspective (Edit> Transform> Perspective) and change the shape as in the screenshot below (you only need to drag the right side):

Then click Ctrl + T, hold down Ctrl and pull the right side out a bit so that the figure looks like a rectangle, not a thick square.

Step 5

For the left side, a slightly different approach is needed. First, reduce it to 75%. Select it click Ctrl and transform to get a three-dimensional shape. Make sure that the heights of the beveled sides of the left and right sides are parallel; do not forget to pull off the left side of the box. In the end, should get something like that.

Step 6

Now you can go to the design. Let’s start on the right side. Select the layer and double-click the smart object to open it. At this stage, you can either create your own design or follow the lesson.

For my design, I chose the sky blue color scheme. If you want to follow the lesson with me, set the background color to #e1ebe4; I will be pretty simple. When the background is ready, let’s take a title (it will be in the center of the top). I used such fonts (color – #onef1f20):

To have more details, I added a tick and a trademark using the tool Arbitrary shape (Custom Shape Tool).

Then I added a random text using the tool. Paragraph (Paragraph Tool) (you can open it by selecting Text (Text Tool) and clicking on a random area). Here are my settings:

I also added an inscription at the bottom and framed it.

Step 7

Once finished with this facet, save it. You will immediately see the changes in the original document. Now let’s go to the second section. Double click on the smart object to open the window for editing it. Fill the background with color #a5dfda then just copy and paste the heading from the previous step. Now it remains only to rotate the text. Tick ​​white, add more characters. Everything that I used can be found in the tool menu. Arbitrary shape (Custom Shape Tool).

In the same way, add arbitrary text at the bottom.

After everything is ready, save the document. Here is what my design looks like:

Step 8

Now let’s add lighting, making the box realistic. Let’s start with the new group called “Shadows”. Create a new layer, name it “Back Shadow”. Highlight the size of our box and fill it with black. Then “put” the layer, distorting it with the key pressed Ctrl. After that apply Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur) and change Blend mode (Blending mode) on Soft light (Soft Light).

Step 9

Add a new layer – “Lower Shadow”. Set the primary color # 000000; with help Brushes (Brush Tool) is large enough with Stiffness (Harndess) 0% draw a shadow under the box, then change the blending mode to Soft light (Soft Light), and Opacity (Opacity) set to 85%.

Step 10

We need another layer. Call it “Light.” Set the background color to #ffffff, make the brush bigger and swipe the center of the box three times. Set the blending mode Soft light (Soft Light).

Step 11

Create a layer “Bottom Shadow 2”. Then select a brush and adjust it as in the screenshot below.

Choose a tool Pen (Pen Tool), draw a contour around the bottom of the box. Right click, select Outline the contour (Stroke Path). Make sure the tick Simulate pressure (Stimulate Preassure) installed. Change opacity (Opacity) and fill (Fill) up to 50% and 55% respectively.

Step 12

Open the group “Right side”, create two layers – “Shadows”, “Shadows 2”. Make sure they are both clipping for the design layer. Use a soft brush with 0% stiffness (Hardness). Set both layers to Soft light (Soft Light). On the first, draw a large U-shape around the edge of the box. On the second layer, use the same brush, but with less opacity, making a stroke around the text. This will give the picture more depth and accentuates attention.

Step 13

Create two more layers – “Details: Shadows”, “Details: Glare”. Here you just need to repeat step 11. Use #ffffff for glare as well # 000000 for the shadows. Contours above and below the box will be enough.

Step 14

Repeat the previous two steps with the left side of the box.

Step 15

Now we need a group. Let’s call it “Details”. After that, you need to create a new layer – “Left leaf”. With the tool Pen (Pen Tool) draw a triangular shape with a very flat center. Then click on it with the right mouse button and fill it with color. Now you need to add her Inner shadow (Inner Shadow) …

… and Internal glow (Inner Glow).

Step 16

Create a layer “Shadow”. Now repeat step 11 again, but with a larger brush size (4-6 pixels), create a line near the edge of the box (the line should be closer to the right side). Then apply Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur), and blending mode select Soft light (Soft Light). In the screenshot below, the line is marked in red.

Step 17

Repeat the process of the previous step, but this time name the layer “Glare” and use as the main color #ffffff. Position the line closer to the left side (in the screenshot it is marked in blue).

Step 18

Finishing touch! Create a layer called “Line” and with the tool Line (Line Tool) create a straight line (2-3 pixels thick, color # 000000), separating the left and right sections. Set its blending mode to Soft light (Soft Light). In the screenshot, it is marked white.

Final results:

We are done! If you managed to get the final result without hesitation, great work! You can be proud of yourself. If something in the lesson was incomprehensible, let me know.

PSD lesson

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