Do you want to turn an ordinary shoe into a crystal one?
Find a photo of a shoe.
Circle the shape of the shoe with the pen.
Ctrl + right click on the selection, select the command Make selection (Create selection), set the feathering radius to 0.
Create a new document, fill the selection with any color.
Ctrl + D, remove selection. Take the feather again and draw the glare on the shoe.
Push Ctrl + Enter – contour turns into a selection.
Duplicate the pink shoe layer and name the layer “Glare”
Take the Brightener tool and paint the light right on the selection.
Now, using the Dimmer draw shadows.
Invert selection – click Shift + Ctrl + I
Add shadows on the remaining parts of the shoe.
Ctrl + D, remove selection.
Go to the menu Filter – Sketch – Chrome (Filter – Sketch – Chrome), we set the following settings.
That’s what happened – a chrome shoe
We will turn it into a crystal one after all. To do this, go to the menu Image – Correction – Levels (Image – Adjustments – Levels)
Move the white and black sliders closer to the center.
Let’s add crystal blueness, for this we will open a palette Color / Saturation (Ctrl + U)
Set about the same settings, most importantly do not forget to put a tick next to Toning.
Shoe is ready!
With this technique, you can turn any thing into a crystal, for example, a crystal teapot: