In this lesson you will learn how to create a cover design for a plate in Adobe Photoshop.
Here is the picture that we will create:
Source materials:
Download the archive with materials for the lesson
Note: The author used paid materials. In the archive you will find an alternative font for the lesson..
Step 1
Create a new document of 1000 x 666 pixels. Background Contents (Background content) set to the color #dbdede.
Step 2
Activate Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) (Rounded Rectangle), set on the top panel Radius (Radius) 4 pixels. Create a square measuring 380 x 380 pixels. To do this, click the left button on the working canvas, in the window that appears, enter the dimensions and click OK.
Step 3
Download the picture with the guitar and paste it on the working paper.
Adjust the size of the image (Ctrl + T) approximately to the size of the square. Go to the layers panel and check that the guitar layer is above the square. Click on the guitar layer with the right mouse button and select Create Clipping Mask (Create clipping mask).
Step 4
Double click on the layer with the square to open the window Layer Style (Layer style). Apply multiple layer styles.
Step 5
On the toolbar, set the foreground color to # e5d4bb.
Activate Rectangle Tool (U) (Rectangle), create a rectangle measuring 380 x 42 pixels and place it at the bottom of the cover, as shown below.
Step 6
On the layers panel, reduce the opacity of the rectangle to 88%.
Double click on the rectangle layer to open it. Layer Style (Layer style) and apply Pattern Overlay (Pattern overlay) with the following parameters.
Step 7
Open the panel Window – Character (Window – Symbol) and select the font Rock Salt.
Change the text color to # 3a2923, set the size to 24 pixels and then write the text itself.
Step 8
Insert the picture with the plate on the working paper.
Adjust its size to the size of the cover and place it on the right side under the cover, as shown below.
Step 9
Now we will add the shadow of the cover on the plate. Open disc layer styles and apply two copies. Inner Shadow (Inner shadow).
Step 10
Take Pen Tool (P) (Pen) and at the bottom of the cover draw a black shape, as shown below. We do not need the ideal form, so do not try hard. In the next step we will blur this shape.
Step 11
Make sure that the shape layer from the previous step is selected. Install Opacity (Opacity) and Fill (Fill) by 50%.
Place the vector shape under the cover and the plate, then go Window – Properties (Window – Properties). In the window that appears, click the button Select the Vector Mask (Download the selected area from the mask) and set Feather (Feather) 8 pixels. When finished, press Ctrl + D to deselect.
Step 12
Open the window Layer Style (Layer style) and apply to the vector shape from the previous step. Gradient Overlay (Gradient overlay) with the following parameters.
We are done!
Here is the final result of the lesson.