In this tutorial we will create colorful wallpapers for your iPhone using several space objects.
Materials for the lesson:
Final result:
Step 1
Create a new document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) 640×960 pixels in size with a resolution of 326 pixels / inch. This size fits the screen resolution of the iPhone 4 with Retina display.
Step 2
Insert a space image into our document via the menu. File> Post (File> Place).
With the help of a correction layer Curves (Curves) improve image contrast. When the correction window opens, select the white eyedropper and click on the bright part of the image. Then select the black dropper and click on the dark area.
Step 3
Open the image of the moon. Tool Oval area (Elliptical Marquee Tool) (M) highlight the moon.
Copy the selected area (Ctrl + C), go back to the main document and paste the Moon (Ctrl + V). Change the size of the moon with the tool Free transform (Ctrl + T).
Change the contrast of the moon with a correction layer. Curves (Curves) with clipping mask (Ctrl + Alt + G).
Step 4
Double click on the layer of the moon to open the styles window. Apply style External glow (Outer Glow):
The next style is Internal glow (Inner Glow):
Step 5
Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) above the layers of the Moon. Fill it with black using the Paint Bucket Tool (G). Then apply the Glare filter (Filter> Rendering> Blick / Filter> Render> Lens Flare).
Set the Blend Layer Mode to Lightening (Screen).
Step 6
Take the image of asteroids from this set.
Transfer asteroids to our document and tool Free transform (Ctrl + T) tilt them.
Step 7
Create a new layer above the asteroids. Choose a tool Gradient (Gradient Tool) (G): Style (Style) – Radial (Radial), from white to transparent. Stretch a small fill from the center of the glow.
Step 8
Now we will create stars. Tool Ellipse (Ellipse Tool) (U) create the oval shown below.
Apply motion blur to oval (Filter> Blur> Motion Blur / Filter> Blur> Motion Blur).
Create a copy of the blurred oval (Ctrl + J) and rotate it 90 degrees with the tool Free transform (Ctrl + T). Select both layers and merge them (Ctrl + E).
Create a few copies of the stars and scatter them on the canvas. Reduce the size of distant stars.
Step 9
At the end of the lesson we will do a general color correction through adjustment layers. The first adjustment layer is Hue / Saturation (Hue / Saturation).
Selective color correction (Selective color):
And this is how the wallpaper on the phone screen will look like:
Transfer: Gleb Khegai