Sew a patch.

Handicraft lesson from Photoshop!

Create a new document 1000 * 500 pixels, fill it with color # 524f2e.

Set colorforeground (foreground) white, background (background) – black. Choose Filter – Distortion – Diffuse Light (Filter – Distort – Diffuse Glow). Set the values:
Grain(Graininess) = 6;
Effect (Glow Amount) = 12;
Original (Clear Amount) = ten.

It turns out about the following:

Push X, to swap main and background colors. Duplicate layer (Ctrl+J) and apply to it Filter – Strokes – Stroke (Filter – Brush Strokes – Ink Outlines). Set the values:
Lengthstroke (Direction Balance) = thirty;
Darktonea (Stroke Length) = 3;
Light intensity (Sharpness) = ten.

Intermediate result:

Change the blending mode to “Replacing dark“(Darken), opacity (Opacity) = 30%.

Add a gradient. Create a new layer, select the tool. Gradient (Gradient), set the transition from black to transparent. Fill it with a gradient like this:

Add text

For example, use Arial, white, 130 pt.
Then set for text Deformation: Lifting (Rise) Horizontal, Bend (Bend) = +60%, Horizontal distortion (Horizontal Distortion) = 0, Vertical distortion (Vertical Distortion) =0:

Move the text to the middle:

Now let’s set a style for the text layer. Overlapping pattern (Pattern Overlay).
Choosing a fabric pattern. It should be in the standard Photoshop set, but you can load your own pattern.
To do this, open the image with the fabric pattern you like, select Editing – Define a pattern (Edit – Define Pattern). Then you can go back to the main work.

For the text layer, apply Layer – Rasterize – Text (Layer – Rasterize – Type). After that, take Eraser (Eraser) (for installation, see below):

Process the edges of the text (they should look softer):

After that we will apply layer styles. Shadow (Drop Shadow) and External glow (Outer Glow):

Set for Shadows (Drop Shadow): Opacity (Opacity) =50%,Mixing (Distance) =2 pixels., The size (Size) =2 pixels.

Settings for External glow (Outer Glow): Opacity (Opacity) =40%, gradient from black to transparent, the size (size) =2 pixels.
See the result:

OK. Now we sew our patch. Choose Brush (Brush): soft, round, size 3 pixels. and do stitches:

Add embroidery:

Now apply styles to stitch Shadow (Drop Shadow), External glow (Outer Glow) and Color overlay (Color Overlay) for making stitches realistic:

Values ​​for Shadows (Drop Shadow): Opacity (Opacity) = 75%, Bias (Distance) = 1 pix., The size (Size) = 2 pixels.

Values ​​for External glow (Outer Glow): Opacity (Opacity) =thirty%, gradient from black to transparent, the size (size) =1 pix.

Value for Color overlays (Color Overlay): # f0dc8b.

It should look something like this:

The lesson is over! Now you can sew in Photoshop!

But what the translator did in 20 minutes:

Transfer: Alexandra Selyanina
Link to the source of the lesson

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