Star tree

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will draw a Christmas tree from the stars.
Create a new document. File> New (File>new) or Ctrl +N.

The size: 1280×1024 px and 72 dpi. Choose a tool “Fill” and fill the document with black.

Next, take the tool “rectangle“(Rectangle Tool, U). Stretch it to the whole document.
Standing on the same layer, open Layer> Layer Style (Layer>Style Layer)and apply the following settings:

Gradient options:

Create another layer and set the following settings: Opacity 0% (Opacity 0%)

Apply the gradient overlay style:

Gradient options:

Next, we will create a round element using the tool. “Ellipse U “(Ellipse Tool U) with the same opacity 0%

Open up Layer styles and apply the gradient overlay style:

Here is the result that you should get:

Choose a tool Brush (Brush Tool) and draw the contours of the Christmas tree on a new layer.

Choose a tool “Custom Shape Tool U”, find the shape of a star.

Fill the tree with stars, all the time changing size Ctrl +T

You can delete a layer with outlines.

One Big Star should be located on the top of the spruce, give it the style of the “Outer Glow” layer:

Then choose three different types of snowflakes, for example these:

Scatter the snowflakes in the document in random order, change the parameters Opacity (Opacity) or Fill (Fill): 10%, 20%, 40%

Now select this shape:

This figure should be placed under a layer with a large star.
Parameter Fill:0%

Apply the gradient overlay layer style:

Like this:

Take the tool Pen (PenTool P) and draw some garlands on spruce.
The color numbers for the garland you see in the picture:

This is the result.

Author: adobetutorialz

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