Vintage card

This lesson is about creating a vintage (ie vintage) greeting card using Photoshop.

Before proceeding with the lesson, you will need to download the archive, with the necessary materials.

Create a new document size 700 × 700 pixels and pour his color # 502b2b.

Further work will require a vintage texture. You can find various texture options using the Google search engine, or use the texture vintage_pattern from the archive that was downloaded earlier.

Now open the texture file (pattern) and execute Edit > DefinePattern (Edit> Define Pattern), to save the pattern, then close the file with the pattern and return to the main document.

Apply the following layer properties to the background layer of your image:
• Pattern Overlay

Create a new layer and fill it with black. Using the tool EllipticalMarqueeTool(Oval area), create a round selection as shown below:

Execute Select > Modify > Feather (Highlight> Modify> Feather) (size about 70 px) to softer the edges of the selection and press the key Delete (Delete) to clear the selection area. Click Ctrl+D, to turn off selection.

We turn to the main work. First of all, find an image of old paper (again, you can use Google, or use vintage_paper from the archive) and the actual vintage photo (vintage_photo from the archive).

First of all, transfer the image of the old paper to the main document and adjust its size as shown below (you can use Editing> Transforming> Scaling):

After that, transfer the selected photo to the canvas and adjust its size in the same way:

Then do Image > Adjustment > Desaturate (Image> Correction> Discolor) to make your photo black and white and change the blending mode of this layer to Luminosity (Glow):

It’s time to add some text! Using tool HorizontalTypeTool(Horizontal text) write something like below:

And the last thing we need to add is the design elements, you can find them in the search engines, or use vintage_flowers from the archive.

Now merge this layer and the text layer, take the tool EraserTool(Eraser) and select one of the standard Photoshop brushes with the following settings (the settings are set independently):

Lightly rub this brush over the caption, and then on the photo:

Merge all the layers of the photo into one (except the background). Now we will deal with imparting irregularities to the edges. To do this, create a new layer and fill it with white.

Holding the key Ctrl Click on the thumbnail of the layer with the photo in the thumbnail of the layers. The result is a rectangular selection of the shape of the photograph, fill it with black.

Click Ctrl+D to deselect. Execute Filter > BrushStrokes > Spatter (Filter> Brush Stroke (Strokes)> Spray) with the following settings:

Your picture should look something like this:

Now use the tool MagicWandTool(Magic wand) to highlight white, then click Delete to remove it.

Execute Select > LoadSelection (Select> Load selection) to load the selected area, after that you can delete the layer with the black rectangle, it will not be needed anymore.

Now run Select > Modify > Contract (Select> Modify> Compress) to reduce the selection area somewhere on 2 px and press Ctrl +Shift+I to invert the selection. Click Delete to crop the edges of the photo along the selection area, then deselect (Ctrl+D).

Use the tool BlurTool(Blur) with a soft brush about 25 px (intensity ~40%), to slightly treat the too sharp edges of the photo:

In the next step, to enhance the vintage effect, add some noise. Execute Filter > Noise > AddNoise (Filter> Noise> Add Noise) with the following parameters:

Excellent result! Now by clicking Ctrl+T, rotate the picture a bit, to your taste or as in the picture:

After that do Edit > Transform > Warp (Edit> Transform> Warp) To bend a corner of the photo, as shown below:

And the final touch left to do is to add a highlight to the photo card. Create a new layer and in it using the tool PolygonalLassoTool (Polygonal lasso), draw a selection as shown in the image below.

Then do Select > Modify > Feather (Highlight> Modify> Feather) with a value of about 7 px. Then, using the tool GradientTool (Gradient), fill this selection with color – from white to transparent, as shown in the picture:

Deselect, go to the photo layer, load its selection (Ctrl+click on thumbnail in the layers panel). Then go back to the highlight layer, follow Ctrl+Shift+I to invert the selection and click Delete. Deselect (Ctrl+D) and set the opacity for this layer to about 70%.


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