??In this tutorial, we will create a stunningly bright, golden 3D poster using the main light sources in Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended.
Translator’s Note: Attention! Without the basics of 3D modeling, you will have difficulty understanding some of the steps in this lesson. I recommend reviewing the articles in the Photoshop Tutorial – Basics of Work section before you begin.
Video Tutorial:
Required, free fonts:
- Bebas Neue – Font Squirrel
- Pacifico – Font Squirrel
Step 1
Create a document measuring 1920×1200 pixels. Based on the downloaded fonts, create a caption as shown below. Adjust the text so that it has a total width, then place it in the middle of the document.
To position the text in the center, select the tool Move Tool (V) (Tool “Move”), then in the Layers Panel select the text layer and the standard background layer, click in the tool settings on the button “Align Center Horizontally” and “Align Center Vertically”.
Step 2
Getting started with 3D modeling features. Click on the text layer and select New 3D extrusion from layer (New 3D extrusion from selected layer).
Keep in mind, if you used a different font, much more difficult, in your work, Adobe Photoshop can warn you about it. In this case, you need the help of Adobe Illustrator to handle the font. Right click on the text layer and click on Convert to shape (Convert to curves). Then copy the shape, Editing – Copy.
Open Adobe Illustrator, create a new document, then paste the shape, Edite – Paste. Further Object – Path – Simplify. Check the box next to the function. Preview, set up Curve precision and Angle threshold, as shown in the image below. Copy and paste the shape back into Adobe Photoshop. When inserting, select Shape layer (As a layer-shape). Delete the old text layer. On the new layer, right-click and select New 3D extrusion from layer (New 3D extrusion from selected layer).
The above steps are specifically for the case, if you used a different, more complex font.
Step 3
When converting a layer in 3D, Adobe Photoshop will automatically open the 3D Panel. Go back to the Layers Panel and select the standard background layer. Right click and select Postcard (Post card). Go back to the Layers Palette, select both 3D layers, click Ctrl + E, combining them into one 3D layer.
Step 4
Let’s start by reducing the thickness of the text. Select the text layer in the 3D Panel.
In the panel Properties (Properties) change the parameter Extrusion depth (Extrusion Depth). To preview the result, you can render 3D Render (3D – Rendering). In this case, Adobe Photoshop will begin the process of preparing the image for the final. The percentage of completion can be observed in the lower left corner of the document. The process is slow, if desired, it can be interrupted by clicking anywhere on the canvas. For the text in this lesson, a depth of 100 was chosen.
Step 5
In this step, we will “gild” the text. In the 3D Panel, select the Materials layers together, as shown in the image below.
In the panel Properties (Properties) change color Diffuse (Scattering) on #FFC000.
Step 6
At this stage, we need to align the text relative to the background. In the lower left corner is the camera control panel, right-click on it and select Left (Left). The camera will change the look.
In the 3D Panel, select the background layer and the text while holding the key Ctrl. Choose a tool Move Tool (V) (Move tool) align the layers to the left. Next, return the camera to its original position by selecting Default Camera view (Default camera).
Step 7
Render Image Alt + Shift + Ctrl + R, to see how the work looks at the moment. It looks good, if you wish, you can leave it like that. But we are not going to stop. It is necessary to work with the lighting, which plays a big role in creating 3D objects.
To add a new light source, click on the button at the bottom of the 3D Panel. New light (Add new light to the scene) and select New point light (New point light).
You need to move the new light source to the upper right corner. Choose a tool Move Tool (V) (Move tool), in the top 3D menu, select the mode Rotate the 3D Object (Rotate the 3D object).
Using the camera control panel, in the lower left corner, expand the view so that you look at the text from the upper right corner. It will take a little back view.
Or hold the key Alt and move the mouse wheel down, or select another mode in the 3D menu on the tool settings panel Move Tool (V) (Move tool) – mode Slide the 3D Object (Slide the 3D object) and move the view back. After the camera is in the correct position on the panel Properties (Properties) click Move to view (To view) to move the light into the current view. To change the light intensity, work with the settings. Point light (Spot light), namely the intensity of the color.
Return the camera view to its original position, change the color intensity and turn on Rendering until you are satisfied with your work.
Translator’s Note: The author, unfortunately, did not make the necessary images for a visual demonstration of his actions, but there is a video in which everything is described in detail.
Step 8
At the moment, the light is too bright, and the shadow is striking. In the 3D Panel select layer Point light 1(Spot light 1). AT Properties (Properties) activate light decay Light falloff (Light decay). For convenience, zoom out the document. Change the parameter Outer (Outer radius) so that the light lines reach the bottom left document and the light Inner (Inner radius) reached the top right corner of the document. Render to view the result.
Below is the result before and after.
Step 9
Let’s return to the text. Let’s give it a streamline. Select the text layer in the 3D Panel, go to Panel Properties, select tab Cap (Capital), change the parameter Width (Width) on ten%. Thus, on the edges of the letters will be embossed.
Step 10
Next, once again, in the 3D Panel, select the layers with Materials, then in Properties change Shine (Glitter) on 0%, Reflection (Reflection) on 100%, Roughness (Smoothness) on 3%. Parameter Smoothness make the text smoother, but not completely.
Step 11
select a separate layer Front bevel material (The material of the front bevel). Options Shine (Glitter) change to 100%, Roughness (Smoothness) on 0%. Thus polishing your text.
Step 12
Make the text more radiant by adding a glow. In the 3D Panel, select the layer Environment (Environment). Go to panel Properties and click on the menu IBL (Isbi) – Image based lighting (The light source on the base of the image). At the moment, the text does not have a special texture. You can upload any image or create a new one. For a new texture, click New texture (New texture), the window for creating a new document will appear, leave the width and height the same as the main document of 1920×1200 pixels.
Click the folder icon again, select Edit Texture (Edit texture). The new document we just created will open for editing. Choose a tool Rectangle Tool (U) (Tool “Rectangle”), color black, without a stroke. Divide the canvas in half, horizontally, make the lower part black.
To soften, add an adjustment layer. Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Brightness / Contrast (Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Brightness / Contrast), turn on the parameter Use Legacy (Use former), Contrast change to -50. Save and close the document.
Step 13
Using tool Move Tool (V) (Move tool) drag a circle in the middle of the document until the texture moves to the middle of the text. Render for preview.
Step 14
With the text we are done. Let’s go to the background. Create an imitation wall. In the 3D Panel select layer Background (Background). Go to panel Properties, set white Diffuse (Scattering), Shine (Glitter) and Reflection (Reflection) set to 0%, Roughness (Smoothness) on 100%.
In settings Diffuse The (scattering) texture was automatically set at the moment when we converted the layer to a 3D object. Since we do not need it, click on the appropriate button and select Remove Texture (Remove texture).
Click the same button again and select New texture (New texture). In the settings of the new document, set 1920×1200 pixels as the main document.
Click the texture icon again and select Edit Texture (Edit texture). A new document will open. Apply filter Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter – Noise – Add noise), leave the default settings, click OK. Apply Autoton keystrokes Shift + Ctrl + L. Save and close the document.
Now the background looks more like a wall, but still hard. Soften the surface by reducing the settings. Bump (Relief) to five%. Render.
Step 15
Now it’s done. If you wish, you can go back and change the settings. For example, you can change Intensity Spot light up 100% (Step 7). AT Properties layer Environment change Softness (Smoothing) parameter Shadow (Shadow) on 100%, smoothing the shadow.
Step 16
If the result seemed too perfect to you, use the following interesting method, giving the text an effect of color film. In the panel Layers create a new adjustment layer Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Curves (Layer – New adjustment layer – Curves). AT Properties adjustment layer select Blue Channel, move both points closer to the center, giving the image a blue tint and golden highlights.
Switch to Red Channel and change the curve so that it resembles the Latin letter S. Switch back to Channel Rgb and just like the Red Channel, change the curve by increasing the contrast. To reduce the effect of the adjustment layer, you can change Opacity.
Below is the final result. We hope you understand everything. In any case, we are waiting for your questions, and, of course, your work! Good luck!