For many of our visitors, it will be interesting to learn how to create such a glass with a festive cocktail using 3D capabilities in Photoshop:
(click on image to enlarge)
Materials for the lesson:
Fabric (the cloth)
Fabric (image 7)
Wood (wood texture)
Splatter (spray)
Patterns and Shapes (set of texture, splashes and shapes)
Reflection texture
Foam (foam)
Step 1. Create a new document that is 768 x 1024 pixels in size and insert a cloth image into it. We will use the fabric as a texture to create the background. Mirror the texture horizontally in the menu. Editing – Transform – Flip Horizontally (Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal). Expand the layer proportionally by holding the key pressed Shift and dragging a corner marker. Select menu Editing – Transforming – Scaling (Edit> Transform> Scale) and scale the texture so that only the drape at the bottom left of the fabric is visible on the document.
Step 2. Select the bottom of the fabric, as shown in the screenshot, using the tool Rectangular area (Rectangular Marquee Tool). Copy this part of the image and paste it on a new layer or simply press Ctrl + J, then the part of the fabric covered by the selection will be copied to the new layer. Then go to the menu Editing – Transforming – Perspective (Edit> Transform> Perspective). Drag one of the corner handles at the bottom of the transformation frame to apply the perspective. Then using Free transformation Ctrl +T transform this layer so that it covers all the space at the bottom of the document. Thus, you should close the entire white background.
Step 3. This should be the result of your work at this stage.
Step 4. In this step we will create a silhouette for a glass cup. Its size will be 145×359 pixels. To draw a half of the silhouette of the glass, you can use the tool Pen (Pen Tool) mode Layer layer (Shape). You can create your own shape for the silhouette, but remember, it is important that the right side of the silhouette is strictly vertical, and the lower part is strictly horizontal. For this purpose, use the guides, as shown in the screenshot. After you create a silhouette shape, do not rasterize it.
Step 5. Now open the 3D palette and create a new one. 3D- Coinage Object (3D Repousse Object) using in Source (Source) option Work path (Work Path).
Step 6. After the previous action, you will be prompted to rasterize the shape, agree, and the 3D function settings window will open in front of you. Chasing (Repousse). Apply these settings as in the screenshot. Especially pay attention to the option Transform Center Position (Reference point location), click on the right point to select the correct axis of rotation, as your shape must rotate around the inside edge. Angle (Angle) set 360 ° and adjust the option Mesh quality (Mesh Quality) to position The best (Best Mesh Quality). After checking all the settings, click OK.
Step 7. Change the position of the cup a little in perspective, slightly tilting it down. To do this, activate the tool Turn 3D-object (Rotate the 3D Object Tool) and change the settings only for X axis, putting the value (-10) in the field X orientation (Orientation X). Also check Rendering Settings (Render Settings) for Scenes (Scene) as in the screenshot: Custom (Custom), Quality (Quality) – Interactive (drawing) (Interactive (Painting), Draw on – Scattering (Paint On – Diffuse).
Step 8. Now adjust the materials for the cup. Click on the icon in the 3D palette. Filter by: Materials (Filter by: Materials), you will go to the materials tab. In this tutorial, for most of the figures we will only use Extrusion Material (Extrusion Material), marked in green in the screenshot, so for all other materials you need to reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 0%.
Figure 1 Material front bump (Shape 1 copy 2 Front Inflation Material) – 0%
Figure 1 Material of the front bevel (Shape 1 copy 2 Front Bevel Material) – 0%
Figure 1 Material of the rear bevel (Shape 1 copy 2 Back Bevel Material) – 0%
Figure 1 Material rear bulge (Back Inflation Material) – 0%
Step 9. Apply the following settings for the option Extrusion Material (Extrusion Material). Load the texture by clicking on the small folder icon opposite the parameter Scattering (Diffuse). The author used the texture Fabric image 7, cropped like a 1000×1000 pixel square. and transformed as Flip Vertically (Flip Vertical) and Flip horizontally (Flip Gorizontal). You can also experiment with opacity. Glossy (Gloss), Glitter (Shine), etc., watching the 3D effects change.
Step 10. To change the position of the texture, right-click on the folder icon next to the parameter Scattering (Diffuse) and select the option Edit properties (Edit Properties). You can apply your settings for the parameters. Scale (Scale) and offset (Offset) by moving the slider on the slider to find the best position for the texture or use the author’s settings, which are indicated in the screenshot below.
Step 11. Open the light sources tab Filter by: Light (Filter by: lights) and at the bottom of the 3D palette click on the icon Create a new light source (Create a new light). From the drop-down menu, select the type of lighting. To start, select Infinite light (Infinite Light) and apply settings to it. Orientations (Orientation) in the upper toolbar settings, as shown in the screenshot. You can also adjust the position of the light source independently by rotating the 3D axis. If your 3D axes are invisible, then at the bottom of the 3D palette click on the icon Hide auxiliary elements (Toogle misc 3D extras) and turn them on by checking the box next to 3D axis (3D Axis).
Step 12. Using the screenshots below, configure the rest of the light sources, following the order of screenshots.
Note translator: Pay attention to the translation of the commands that the author uses in the screenshots.
Custom (Custom)
Infinite light – (Infinite Light)
Directional light (Spot Light)
Spot light (Point Light)
Note translator: On the next screenshot of the author in the tab Directional light (SpotLight) highlighted source Infinite light 1- (Infinite Light 1). In order for you to move this source in the same way, you need to select it in the tab Infinite light – (Infinite Light) and change the parameter A source (LightType) on Directed (Spot).
Source Settings Spot light (Point Light)
In the following screenshots, the author adjusts the orientation settings, the colors of the light sources, and also shows on the inserted large miniature of the layer how the light and color act on the cup.
Step 13. Apply layer styles to the created 3D glass cup. It will be Inner shadow (Inner Shadow) and Stamping (Bevel and Emboss). Settings below.
Step 14. Duplicate the glass layer and change Extrusion Material (Extrusion Material). Delete the texture (right-click on the icon next to this option, select Delete texture) and apply black color to the parameter Scattering (Diffuse). Adjust the lights.
Step 15. Return to the layers palette, change the copies of the cup blending mode to Lightening basics (Color Dodge) and reduce Fill (Fill) up to 60%. In layer styles add Inner shadow (Inner Shadow).
Step 16. Now we need to create a reflection of light on the cup. To do this, duplicate the previous 3D shape of the glass. Change this layer overlay mode to Screen (Screen) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 70%. Add a layer mask by clicking on the corresponding icon at the bottom of the layers palette, and fill the bottom of the mask with a black and white gradient.
Step 17. Open the materials palette Filter by: Materials (Filter by: Materials) and upload a new texture by clicking on the small folder icon opposite the parameter Scattering (Diffuse). The texture should look like a black square with a white horizontal line. You can fill the line with a white-gray gradient, as shown in the screenshot. Experiment with the texture settings to move it to the right side of the cup. Changing the texture settings, you will notice how the reflection of light on the glass changes its position.
Step 18. Now adjust the light sources for the figure with reflection.
Step 19. Draw a new shape for the foam that will be inside the cup. The size of the figure 139×117 pixels.
Create a 3D object as you did with a cup shape. Use the same settings Coinage (Repousse) and also change the settings only for X axis, putting the value (-10) in the field X orientation (Orientation X) to apply the same perspective as the cup.
Step 21 Place the foam layer above the first 3D shape of the glass cup and below the second. Change this layer overlay mode to Screen (Screen) and reduce Fill (Fill) up to 85%. Apply the following layer styles: Gradient overlay (Gradient Overlay) and Pattern overlay (Pattern Overlay). To make the pattern that needs to be applied in the layer styles in this step, create a new document 1000×1000 pixels with a white background. Paste several layers with different splashes, change its blending mode to Multiplication (Multiply). Now merge the layers and go to the menu Editing – Define a pattern (Edit> Define Pattern). In addition, save the created texture in JPG or PSB format, it will also come in handy in future steps for creating a 3D spiral shape.
Step 22 Prepare the texture for the foam. Open the image with foam and frame it to a size of 1000×1000 pixels by selecting an area with small brown lines. Apply a gradient map to the image by going to the menu Image – Correction – Gradient Map (Image> Adjustments> Gradient Map). Then add texture sharpness to the menu. Filter – Sharpen – Smart Sharpen (Filter> Sharpen> Smart sharpen). Save the created texture in JPG or PSB format.
Step 23 Now apply the created texture to the foam. Customize settings Scattering (Diffuse) and Relief (Bump), loading the prepared texture with foam, as well as edit its settings as shown in the screenshots.
Step 24 Adjust the light.
Step 25. Using tool Ellipse (Ellipse Tool) in mode Layer layer (Shape) draw an oval. Again, as before, create a 3D object from the shape.
Step 26. Apply the following 3D settings for the created shape. Also, configure the option Mesh quality (Mesh Quality) to position The best (Best Mesh Quality). Customize settings Orientations (Orientation), which are marked in the second screenshot. Now using the tool Move (Move tool) you can move the 3D shape to the top of the cup.
Step 27. Adjust the material settings by loading the same foam texture as for the previous shape. Apply the settings shown in the screenshot.
Step 28. Now adjust the light sources for the spiral shape.
Step 29. Duplicate the 3D spiral shape and change the copy blending mode to Multiplication (Multiply). Use the spray texture you created in step 21 by loading it in the materials palette by clicking on the small folder icon opposite the Scattering (Diffuse). Use the screenshots below for settings.
Step 30. Using tool Pen(Pen Tool) mode Layer layer (Shape) create a shape for a cup handle. The size of the figure is 128×198 pixels.
Step 31 Create a 3D object from a pen shape with the following settings. Watch carefully, this time in the window Chasing (Repousse) effect added Bevel (Front)– Bevel (Front). Apply the same settings Extrusion Material (Extrusion Material) and Front Bevel Material (Front Bevel Material) as for the first glass shape in step 9.
Step 32 Adjust the lights.
Step 33 Move the layer with the handle below all the glass layers and apply layer styles to it.
Internal shadow(Inner Shadow).
Stamping (Bevel and Emboss).
Circuit (Contour).
Step 34 Activate the tool Rectangle (Rectangle Tool) and draw a straw. Rotate it slightly, about 12 °. Apply the following layer styles: Gradient overlay (Gradient Overlay) and Pattern overlay (Pattern Overlay). Settings below in the screenshots.
Step 35 Rasterize the straw figure and duplicate it. Use one of the straw layers for the top. Erase marked areas.
Step 36 Make the second straw layer active, tilt down a bit and erase the area falling onto the foam texture. Place this layer in the layers palette above the layer with the first shape of the 3D cup and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 80%. Add a layer mask and fill it with a black and white linear gradient at the bottom of the straw.
Step 37. To create an elastic part of the straw, draw a small ellipse and create a 3D object from it. See the settings for this figure in the screenshot and do not forget to configure the option Mesh quality (Mesh Quality) to position The best (Best Mesh Quality) – this is very important for such a complex shape.
Step 38 Rotate the created shape using the 3D axes or use the orientation settings suggested in the screenshot. Customize Extrusion Material (Extrusion Material). For the parameter Scattering (Diffuse) use a diagonal red-white texture as for the main form of straw.
Step 39. Adjust the light sources.
Step 40. Copy a small part of the straw and place it over the created elastic form. Deploy it as shown in the screenshot.
Step 41 In order to improve the quality and appearance of 3D objects in the settings Rendering (Render Settings) parameter Quality (Quality) needs to be changed to Final ray tracing (Ray Traced Final). Do this when all your 3D objects are fully prepared. Create a small elliptical selection on the surface of the cream around the straw and treat this area with a tool. Dimmer (Burn Tool).
Step 42 Brighten the bottom right of the background using the adjustment layer. Levels (Levels). In order to apply the level settings only to the bottom, fill in the mask of the adjustment layer with a black and white gradient, with an angle of about 100 °.
Step 43 Duplicate the cup layer. Apply a transform to the created copy. Flip Vertically (Flip Vertical). Move this layer down in the image. Add a layer mask and fill the bottom of the mask with a linear black and white gradient.
Step 44. Insert a wooden image into the document. Load its selection by pressing the key combination Ctrl + click on the thumbnail of this layer. Copy selected area Ctrl + C.
Step 45. Create a new layer above the red background. Go to menu Filter – Outlook Correction (Filter – Vanishing Point). Choose a tool Create plane (Create Plane Tool) and adjust the plane as in the screenshot. Use the key combination Ctrl + V, To paste the copied wooden texture, then drag it into the frame with the plane and click OK.
Step 46 Change the layer with wood texture overlay mode to Multiplication (Multiply), add a layer mask and fill it at the top with a linear black and white gradient to make the far edge of the texture barely noticeable.
Step 47. Create a circle under the cup to give a shadow effect. Change this layer overlay mode to Overlap (Overlay) and reduce Fill (Fill) at 0%. Now apply a layer style. Inner shadow (Inner Shadow).
Step 48 Load the selection of the whole cup and fill it with any color on the new layer. Decrease Fill (Fill) at 0%. Apply layer styles to this shape to create a silhouette with a transparent area for the liquid. Also, do not forget to fill in the black color of the straw inside the glass. Then merge the created shape with a new blank layer.
Inner shadow (Inner Shadow).
Internal glow (Inner Glow).
Gradient overlay (Gradient Overlay).
Step 49 Apply Free transformation (Free Transform) to cut the layer vertically, then tilt it in the menu Editing – Transform – Tilt (Edit-Transform – Skew).
Step 50. Set the blending mode to Soft light (Soft Light) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 60%. Add a layer mask and fill the upper part of the shadow with a black and white gradient, as you did in the previous steps.
That’s all ready!