In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a brilliant Christmas text effect using 3D tools, textures, patterns, brushes, filters, and layer styles.
I was inspired to create this effect by various layer styles on the GraphicRiver website.
1. Create a pattern
Step 1
Create a 600 x 600 pixel file, then double click on the background layer to convert it to a regular layer.
Step 2
Again, double click on the background layer to apply the layer style to it. Pattern Overlay (Overlay pattern) with the following settings:
- Pattern (Pattern): Back To School Pattern # 6
- Scale (Scale): 25%
Step 3
Above the background layer with a pattern we place a layer with a brilliant texture, adjust its size so that it fits clearly into the height of the document. Next, change the texture blending mode to Hard Light (Hard light).
Save this file and call it “Lines”. After that, close the document.
2. Create text
Step 1
Create a new document of 1000 x 667 pixels with Resolution (Resolution) 300.
Step 2
We write text in the size of 70 pt, using the Intro font.
Step 3
Name the text layer “Text”, duplicate it (Ctrl + J) and rename the copy to “Stroke”,
3. Create a Stroke
Step 1
Right-click on the “Stroke” layer and select Convert to Shape (Convert to curves).
Step 2
Take Direct Selection Tool (A) (Partial selection), then on the tool parameters panel we change Fill (Fill) on None (No), set the stroke color to black, and Size (Size) by 2. Then click on the button for selecting the type of stroke and Align (Alignment) set to Outside (Out of it).
4. Create 3D layers
Step 1
Select the “Text” layer and go to 3D – New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer (3D – New 3D extrusion from selected layer).
Next, select the layer “Stroke” and go 3D – New 3D Extrusion from Selected Path (3D – New 3D extrusion from the selected contour).
Step 2
Select both 3D layers and go 3D – Merge 3D Layers (3D – Merge 3D layers).
5. We work with a 3D scene
Step 1
To have access to the parameters of 3D objects, we need to open two panels: the 3D panel and Properties (Properties) (both are in the main menu Window (Window)).
The 3D panel contains a list of all the components of the scene and, if you select one of them, we can edit its parameters in the panel. Properties (Properties). Therefore, always pay attention to whether the desired object is selected before editing it.
Step 2
If activate Move Tool (V) (Move), a set of special 3D modes will appear at the top of the options bar.
If you select one of them, then with the selected object of the scene you can make certain manipulations (move, rotate, scale, etc.).
We will also use these modes to change the view from the camera.
Step 3
On the 3D panel, click on the eye icon next to the component. Stroke (Stroke) to disable it.
6. Editing 3D Text Parameters
Step 1
On the 3D panel, select the component with our text (in this case it is called “joy”), then on the panel Properties (Properties) install Extrusion Depth (Extrusion Depth) at 50.
Step 2
We press the button Cap (Capital) at the top of the panel Properties (Properties), then install Bevel Width (Chamfer width) by 5 and Contour (Contour) on Cone.
Next, install Inflate – Angle (Inflating – Angle) by 50 and Strength (Intensity) at 15.
7. Adjust the convexity of the material.
Step 1
We find the component with the text Front Inflation Material (Material of the front bulge) and click on the button with the folder next to the parameter Diffuse (Scattering), choose Load Texture (Load texture) and find the texture created with the lines at the beginning of the lesson.
Step 2
Now click on the texture icon next to the parameter Diffuse (Scattering) and choose Edit UV Properties (Edit UV properties).
Step 3
Set the parameters Tile (Mosaic) and Offset (Offset) to desired values.
Step 4
Configure the remaining parameters of the material:
- Specular (Color of the flare): 219, 212, 212
- Shine (Glitter): 35
- Refraction (Refractive index): 1.299
Step 5
Click on the folder icon next to the parameter Bump (Relief) and in the drop-down list we find the name of the texture with lines that we created at the beginning of the lesson (in this case “Stripes”).
Step 6
Install Bump (Relief) at 25.
8. Save and reuse 3D material
Step 1
Without removing the selection from the component Front Inflation Material (Material of the front convexity), click on the button with the arrow to select the material and in the drop-down list select New Material (New material).
Step 2
Enter the name of the material and click OK.
Step 3
Now select the following components of 3D text. Front Bevel Material (Material of the front bevel) Back Bevel Material (Rear bevel material) and Back Inflation Material (Material rear convexity).
Open the material selection menu, find the material created above, and apply it.
Step 4
Extrusion Material (Extrusion material) will be hidden under the stroke, but just in case we apply the following parameters to it:
- Specular (Color of the flare): 219, 212, 212
- Shine (Glitter): 35
- Reflection (Reflection): 30
- Roughness (Smoothness): 20
- Refraction (Refractive index): 1.299
9. Customize the stroke.
Step 1
Make the component again Stroke (Stroke) visible by clicking on an empty space on the left side of the title. Install Extrusion Depth (Extrusion Depth) at 50.
Step 2
Customize Cap (Capital). Install Sides (Parties) on Front and Back (In the front and in the back), Bevel Width (Chamfer width) by 3 and Contour (Contour) on Half Round (Semicircle).
Step 3
Select all component materials Stroke (Stroke), click on the icon next to the parameter Diffuse (Scattering) and choose Remove Texture (Remove texture).
Step 4
Configure the remaining parameters:
- Diffuse (Scattering): 68, 44, 6
- Specular (Highlight color): 230, 220, 186
- Shine (Glitter): 85
- Reflection (Reflection): 75
- Refraction (Refractive index): 1.35
10. Separate the 3D mesh.
Step 1
Select the component with the text and go 3D – Split 3D Extrusion (3D – Divide Extrusion). As a result, the component with the text is divided into separate groups with letters.
Step 2
Also share the stroke.
11. Moving 3D objects
Step 1
Next, we must select a separate letter along with its stroke and change the slope, rotation, etc.
To do this, after selecting the necessary components, we activate Move Tool (V) (Move) and with the help of 3D-axes edit the position of the letters.
The arrows at the ends of the axes move objects, a small arc that goes further is responsible for turning, and with the help of a cube you can scale the object. The central cube from which the axes extend is needed for uniform scaling of the object. To perform an action with the axes, simply click on them and drag the mouse.
Step 2
We also change the rotation of the camera to get the best result.
12. Adjust the stage lighting
Step 1
Select the component Infinite Light (Infinite Light) and install Intensity (Intensity) by 60%, and Shadow – softness (Shadow – Smoothing) – by 30%.
Step 2
We use Move Tool (V) (Move) to move the light source, or click on the tab Coordinates (Coordinates) at the top of the panel Properties (Properties) to enter numeric values.
Step 3
Choose a component Environment (Environment), click on the icon next to the parameter IBL (ISBI), choose Replace Texture (Replace texture) and upload photos with decorations.
Step 4
Install Intensity (Intensity) by 50% and Ground Plane – Shadows – Opacity (Baseline – Shadows – Opacity) by 0%.
Step 5
We use Move Tool (V) (Move) to move the light source and select the most appropriate position.
13. Render the scene and add the background.
Step 1
Having finished creating the 3D scene, go to 3D Render (3D – Rendering) to visualize the image. Rendering can take a lot of time depending on the power of your computer, but you can stop the process at any time by pressing the Esc key.
After rendering, right-click on the 3D layer and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to smart object).
Step 2
Above the layer Background (Background) we place the photo with bokeh effect, then go Edit – Transform – Rotate 90 Clockwise (Editing – Transformation – Rotate 90 clockwise).
If necessary, adjust the size of the texture and call it “Bokeh.”
Step 3
Click on the button Create new fill or adjustment layer (Create a new adjustment layer or a fill layer) at the bottom of the layers panel and select Levels (Levels).
Step 4
Transform adjustment layer Levels (Levels) in a clipping mask for the 3D layer, then set Highlights (Light) at 16 and Shadows (shadows) at 220.
14. Create threads
Step 1
Add a new layer above the “Bokeh” layer and call it “Threads”. Take Brush Tool (B) (Brush) 3 pixels in size with hard edges and with the Shift key held down draw vertical lines.
Double click on the “Thread” layer to apply layer styles:
Step 2
Add a layer style Bevel and Emboss (Emboss) with the following parameters:
- Size (Size): 7
- Angle (Angle): 30
- Altitude (Height): 30
- Gloss Contour (Gloss Contour): Cone
- Activate Anti-aliased (Smoothing)
- Highlight Mode (Backlight mode): Linear Light (Linear light)
- Opacity (Opacity): 50%
- Shadow Mode (Shadow mode): Linear Burn (Linear dimmer)
- Opacity (Opacity): 50%
Step 3
Customize Contour (Circuit):
- Contour (Contour): Ring – Double
- Activate Anti-aliased (Smoothing)
Step 4
Customize Texture (Texture):
- Pattern (Pattern): Metal Landscape
- Scale (Scale): 35%
Step 5
Add a layer style Color Overlay (Color overlay) with the following parameters:
- Color (Color): # 917149
We get stylized threads.
15. Add Glare on Letters
Step 1
Above all the layers we create a new one and call it “Light”. Change the blending mode of this layer to Vivid Light (Bright light).
Then set the foreground color to # a6a497, take Brush Tool (B) (Brush) and soft brush of any size add light spots throughout the text.
Step 2
Hold Ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the 3D layer to load its selection.
Step 3
At the bottom of the layers panel, click on the button. Add layer mask (Add layer mask).
16. Adjust colors and add noise
Step 1
Above all layers add adjustment layer Gradient Map (Gradient map).
Activate Dither (Dithering) and use the following colors for the gradient: on the left – # 48406e, in the center – # 76747e and on the right – # fbc690.
Change the blend mode of the adjustment layer to Soft Light (Soft light) and reduce Opacity (Opacity) up to 50%.
Step 2
Set the foreground and background colors to black and white, respectively, then select the 3D layer.
Move on Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter – Noise – Add noise), choose Distribution (distribution) – Gaussian (According to Gauss) and uncheck Monochromatic (Monochrome).
Approaching the document (Ctrl +), until you see the noise on the texture of the side, set this value Amount (Quantity), so that the noise on the text corresponds to the noise in the background.
Congratulations! We finished
In this tutorial, we used texture to create a pattern for 3D letters.
Then we created the text and stroke, transformed everything into 3D layers and applied materials to them.
After that we set up the lighting, visualized the finished scene, added the background and the threads. In the end, we applied adjustment layers, brushes and filters to get the final result.