3D text effects can be created in various ways, but 3D tools and settings in Photoshop are an interesting way to make them. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create bright shiny 3D text using textures, 3D tools, and lighting. Let’s start!
Final image:
1. Creating background and text
Step 1
Create a new document 1250 x 1000 px.
Then create capitalized text using the Franks Regular font, and set the size to 280 pt.
Step 2
If your text consists of more than one line, change the value Leading (Line spacing) to 250, and also change Tracking (Letter spacing) at a value that you like best. Here is the value of the letter spacing of the second line of the text 100.
2. Creating layers of shapes
Step 1
Right-click on the text layer and select Convert to shape (Convert to curves). Duplicate the shape layer and rename the copy to Stroke (Stroke).
Step 2
On the selected layer Stroke (Stroke) select tool Direct selection tool (Highlight node).
On the toolbar, install Fill (Fill) in None (Edging is not included) Stroke color (Color stroke) # e5bf25, Size (Size) 2, and click on the icon Set Shape Stroke Type (Set the stroke type) to change Align (Align) to Outside (Outside).
3. Creating 3D layers
Step 1
Select both text layers and go to the menu. 3D> New 3D Extrusion from selected path (3D> New 3D extrusion from selected layer) to convert to 3D layer.
Step 2
Select both 3D layers and go to the menu. 3D> Merge 3D Layers (3D> Merge 3D layers).
Step 3
To access the settings and settings of the 3D grid, you must open two panels: 3D and panel Properties (Properties) (both panels can be found in the menu Window (Window)).
The 3D panel includes all components of the 3D scene, and when you click on the name of any of them, you can access its settings in the panel. Properties (Properties). Therefore, make sure that you choose the name of the element that you want to change in the 3D panel before changing its settings in the panel. Properties (Properties).
4. Setting the grid settings
Step 1
In the 3D panel, select the text grid and change it. Extrusion depth (Extrusion Depth) at 70 px in the panel Properties (Properties).
Step 2
At the top of the panel Properties (Properties) click on the icon Cap (Capital), and then in the parameters Bevel (Bevel) change Width (Width) 2%, Contour (Circuit): Cone (Cone), in parameters Inflate (Bloat) change Strength (Intensity) to 10.
Step 3
Select grid Stroke (Stroke) and change Extrusion depth (Extrusion Depth) at 35 px.
5. Creating a texture for the material of the front bulge
Step 1
Highlight in the tab with your text Front Inflation Material (Material of the front bulge) in the 3D panel, then go to the panel Properties (Properties), click on the icon Diffuse (Scattering) and select Edit Texture (Edit texture).
Step 2
This action will open the file with the layer shape used to create the 3D mesh.
Change Fill (Fill) colors on the shape layer on # 61129d.
Step 3
Take the tool Rectangle tool (Rectangle) and then create a thin horizontal (Height (Height) 15px) strip across the top of the text. Fill the rectangle with the color # e5bf25, then duplicate it.
Step 4
Press Ctrl + T to activate the mode. FreeTransform (Free Transform) and drag the copy of the rectangle down a bit, depending on how much space you want to leave between the bars.
Press Enter to accept the changes.
Step 5
Now press Ctrl-Shift-T several times to duplicate the transformation rectangle until you cover all the text.
When done, select all the layers of the rectangle, go to the menu Layer> Merge Shapes (Layer> Merge Shapes) and rename the resulting layer to Stripes (Stripes).
Go to menu File> Save (File> Save) to save your changes before proceeding to the next step.
6. Creating a reflection and relief texture
Step 1
The texture file is still open, go to menu File> Save As(File> Save As) and save a copy of the file named Reflection (Reflection).
Be sure to save it in your project folder so that you can easily find it.
Step 2
Change the text shape color to # 535353.
Step 3
Double click on the layer Stripes (Stripes) to apply layer style Pattern Overlay (Pattern Overlay) using Pattern (Pattern): Satin (Atlas).
Step 4
Save this file.
Step 5
Save the file as a copy with the name Bump (Relief).
Step 6
Change the text shape color to # 1c1c1c and save the changes.
So now you should have two files, one for the texture Reflection (Reflection) with a light gray color, and one for texture Bump (Relief) with a dark gray color.
7. Setting material parameters
Step 1
Return to the original document of the 3D scene and select it in the tab with the text Front Inflation Material (The material of the front bulge).
Click the folder icon next to Reflection (Reflection) and select from the submenu LoadTexture (Load texture) and then open texture Reflection (Reflection) created in the previous step.
Repeat texture loading Bump (Relief) also.
Step 2
As for the rest of the material settings, change the color Specular (Glare) (in RGB) at (75, 55, 9), Shine (Brilliance) 25, Reflection (Reflection) 70, Bump (Relief) 2.
Step 3
Select both bevel materials in the text tab. Bevel material (Bevel material) and BackInflationMaterial (Material back bulge) and then change Shine (Brilliance) 25, Reflection (Reflection) 70.
Step 4
In the text grid, go to Extrusion material (Material extrusion) and then click on the texture icon next to Diffuse (Scattering) and select in the submenu RemoveTexture (Remove texture).
Step 5
Change color Diffuse (Scattering) on (70, 9.93), then color Specular(Blik) (07, 178, 75), then Shine (Brilliance) 35, Reflection (Reflection) 35, and Refraction (Refraction) 1.656.
Step 6
Select all tabs with materials for the grid. Stroke (Stroke) and change Shine (Glitter) 30 and Reflection (Reflection) 50.
Step 7
Select in the tab Stroke (Stroke) Extrusion material (Material extrusion), remove the texture Diffuse (Scatter) and change the fill color to (229, 191, 37).
8. Moving grids and changing angles
Step 1
Select both grid layers, click on the icon. Coordinates (Coordinates) at the top of the panel Properties (Properties) and change the angle of rotation X to 90 degrees.
Then go to 3D > MoveObjecttoGroundPlane (3D> Move object to base plane).
Step 2
Take the tool MoveTool (Move) and, using the 3D axis, position the bars in the middle of the text.
Step 3
Press on CurrentView (Current View) in the 3D panel and then in the menu View (View) specify Top (Above) on the panel Properties (Properties).
9. Setting up lighting
Step 1
Click the tab Infinite light one (Infinite Light 1), change the value Intensity (Intensity) at 50, and uncheck Shadow (Shadow).
Step 2
Click on the icon Add new lighttoScene (Add new light to the scene) at the bottom of the 3D panel and select New point light (New point light).
Step 3
Change the color of the light source to (249, 247, 238), its Intensity (Intensity) 30 value Shadow- Softness (Shadow Smoothing) 30%, and tick the Light falloff (Weakening of the Light).
Set the value Inner (Internal) 470 and Outer (External) 830. You can use any other values that you like depending on the result you want to get.
Step 4
Using Move Tool (Moving) and 3D-axis, change the location of the light or its direction and adjust the settings until you like the resulting result.
To do this, you can change the camera view, and then return to the menu. View (View): Top (Above) as soon as you finish.
Step 5
Press on Environment (Environment) on the 3D panel, then on the panel Properties (Properties) click on the texture icon IBL (Isbi) and select Replace Texture (Replace texture).
Upload an image Apartment and change Intensity (Intensity) 50.
Step 6
you can use Move Tool (Move) to move the texture image until you get the result you like.
Step 7
Place Blurred Background under the 3D layer and go to the menu Edit> Transform> Flip Vertical (Edit> Transform> Flip Vertically).
You can use a simple gradient fill for the background or add Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur) to image or use any other texture.
After adding the background, it will take some time to adjust the different lights, arrange them, and even move the grids until you get the result you like.
10. Render the scene and create a copy.
Step 1
When done, go to menu 3D> Render (3D> Rendering). Rendering may take some time, but you can stop it at any time by pressing the Esc key.
Step 2
After rendering is complete, right-click on the 3D scene layer and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to smart object).
Step 3
Duplicate the smart object, make the original invisible by clicking on the eye icon next to it, and then right-click on the copy and select Rasterize Layer (Rasterize layer).
11. Alignment of torn edges of strips and text color correction.
Step 1
If you zoom in a bit, you can see that some of the bands have jagged edges. We will fix them to get a more polished final result.
Step 2
Take Spot Healing Brush Tool (Spot repair brush), select a slightly soft round brush tip and then paint over the bumps to remove them.
It is important to paint small areas as accurately as possible, and not to pass along the entire line at once.
Step 3
You can also use Stamp tool (Stamped), but also Spot Healing Brush Tool (Spot Healing Brush) should do this job very well.
Step 4
When you zoom in on the strips, check that you have corrected the jagged edges; continue until you get even plain text.
Step 5
Press on Create new fill (Create a new fill) or on the adjustment layer icon at the bottom of the panel Layers (Layers) and select Levels (Levels).
Step 6
Click on the layer clipping mask icon and change the value Shadows (Shadows) at 3.
12. Adding a star texture
Step 1
Open the second image from the image set. Deep space in photoshop. Since these images are huge, you need to go to the menu Image> Image Size (Image> Image Size) and set Resolution (Resolution) 72.
Duplicate the image on top of all layers that are in the original document, and rename it to layer Stars (Stars).
Right click on the layer Stars (Stars) and select Convert to Smart Object (Convert to smart object) and then change it as necessary.
Change the blending mode for the layer. Stars (Stars) on Screen (Screen) with Opacity (Opacity) 50%. Then duplicate it and drop off the copy. Opacity (Opacity) up to 30%.
Step 2
On the selected layer StarsCopy (Stars Cc) go to menu Filter > BlurGallery > IrisBlur(Filter> Blur Gallery> Aperture Blur). Click and drag the handles to the center point.
Step 3
Install Blur (Blur) 15, and then in the tab Effects (Effects) change Light bokeh (Light bokeh) at 80%. This will create a good bokeh effect. You can experiment with the values to get different results.
Step 4
This is optional, but we are going to remove the original stars that are under the bokeh effect.
To do this, select the layer Stars (Stars) and click on the icon Add layer mask (Add layer mask) at the bottom of the panel Layers (Layers).
Then take EraserTool (Eraser) with a soft round brush tip, set to white. Highlight the mask thumbnail, and click below each circle of the bokeh to remove the asterisk.
Step 5
Again, do not be afraid to use any textures or effects that you like. You can even change the text and color of the bars, change the look of the camera, change the lighting, etc. Just have fun and do it yourself!
Congratulations! You are done!
In this tutorial, we created a piece of text, transforming it into a form, and then into 3D grids.
We worked on adjusting 3D grids, textures and materials to create the main effect. Then we worked on the lighting, rendered the scene and added some textures for the background and a bokeh effect.
Finally, we used a blur filter and layer mask to enhance the final result.