Good textures are an integral part of a realistic effect. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Filter Forge plugin to get a cork texture, and then use it to create a cork mosaic effect.
Let’s start!
Final result
1. Creating a cork texture.
Step 1
You can download the trial version of Filter Forge by clicking on this link. Next in Photoshop go to the menu Filter> Filter Forge> Filter Forge 4. After loading the Cork Board Texture filter in the filter window in the tab Presets Double click on the second preset to create a texture.
Step 2
In the lower right corner click on Save Image As … (Save Image As …) and save the created texture.
Step 2. Creating Text and Mosaics
Step 1
Create a new document with dimensions of 1250 x 935 px. Create text in capital letters using the font Aller display for the main text and font Berkshire Swash for decorative letters – in this case, the symbol . The text color is black.
Then configure the text options in the panel. Character (Symbol). In this lesson, the font size is 318 pt and Leading (Interlaying) 298 pt.
Step 2
Duplicate the text layer and turn off the visibility of the original by clicking on the eye near the layer icon. Select a copy and go to the menu Type> Convert to Shape (Font – Convert to curves). Then duplicate the shape layer and turn off the visibility of the bottom layer.
Step 3
Choose a tool Line tool (Line). On the top settings panel set Weight (Thickness) 5 px or any other value depending on how wide the space you want to get between the pieces of the mosaic. Then select the option Subtract Front Shape (Subtract the front shape) and start drawing lines.
Step 4
After you are done with the lines and you like the result, select the option Merge shapeComponents (Combine the components of the figure)
Step 5
Turn on the visibility of the original shape layer. Then on top of all layers create a new layer and fill with any color.
Step 1
For layers with a shape, go to the menu 3D> New 3D Extrusion form Selected Path (3D – New Zkstruzii from the selected contour). For the color layer – menu 3D> New Mesh from Layer> Postcard (3D – New mesh from layer – Postcard).
Step 2
Select all the 3D layers in the layers panel and go to the menu 3D> Merge 3D Layers (3D – Merge 3D layers) to place all the elements in one scene.
Step 3
To access the settings of the 3D grid, you need to open two panels3D and Properties (Properties). The display of these panels is enabled through the menu. Window (Window). The 3D panel contains all the components present on the stage. When you click on any of them, you can access its parameters in the Properties panel. Therefore, before making any changes to the settings of an item on the Properties panel, make sure that the desired item is active on the 3D panel.
Step 4
When choosing a tool Move Tool (Move) set appears on the top bar 3D Modes (3D Mode). When you select one of them, you can perform any actions for the selected object in the 3D scene.
4. Modify 3D Grid
Step 1
On the 3D panel, select the Layer 1 Mesh grid and on the Properties panel uncheck Cast shadows (Casting a shadow).
Step 2
On the Properties panel, click on the icon. Coordinates (Coordinates). Change the Angle of rotation on the X-axis to 90 and change the value of Position Y to 0.1.
Step 3
In the 3D panel, select the layer grid with the original shape and change the value Extrusion depth (Extrusion depth) at 250.
Step 4
Click on the icon Cap (Capital). Install Bevel width (Chamfer width) at 3% and Contour (Circuit) Half round (Semicircle).
Step 5
Select copy 2 grid and edit Extrusion Depth (Extrusion depth) 20.
Step 6
Click on the icon Cap (Capital) and change Bevel width (Chamfer width) at 3% and Contour (Circuit) Half round (Semicircle).
Step 1
On the 3D panel, select Current view (Current view) and in the Properties panel in the tab View (View) select Front (Front). Then select the grids of both tabs with the forms. On the Properties panel, click on the icon Coordinates (Coordinates) and change the angle of rotation on the x-axis to 90.
Next, go to the menu 3D – Snap Object to Ground Plane (3D – Snap an object to the base plane). Choose a tool Move Tool (Move), select the object and use 3D axis, to change his position.
The arrow at the ends of the axes is for moving, the curved rectangle is for rotating, the cubes are used for scaling. The white cube in the center is used for uniform scaling of the object (all axes at once). All you need is to click on the desired item and make a change.
Step 2
Return to the default camera view (Default Camera). Select tab Current view (Current view). Use Move Tool Modes (Modes of Movement) to change the angle of the camera to get a top view.
In the 3D panel, select both grids. Then zoom until the text fills the entire document, as in the image below.
Step 3
Once you are happy with the result, go to the menu 3D – Snap Object to Ground Plane (3D – Snap an object to the base plane).
6. Creating Cork Material
Step 1
Turn off the visibility of the black grid. white copy 2. Select all materials for the black mesh white copy. In the Property Panel, set the value Shine (Glitter) at 80%, as shown below.
Step 2
In the 3D panel highlight Front Inflation Material (The material of the front bulge). Then in the Properties panel, click on the texture icon opposite the option Diffuse (Scattering) and select Replace Texture (Replace texture).
Step 3
Download the Cork Texture created earlier with the Filter Forge filter.
Step 4
Again, click on the texture icon and select Edit UV Properties (Edit UV – properties).
Step 5
You need to adjust the values until you like the look of the texture.
Step 6
In the Properties panel, click on the folder icon to the right of the parameter Bump(Relief) and load the cork texture again.
Step 7
Click on the texture icon again and select Edit UV Properties (Edit UV – properties). Enter the same values you previously entered to edit the texture for the option Diffuse (Scattering).
Step 8
In the 3D panel highlight Front bevel material (The material of the front bevel). Download cork texture for Diffuse (Scattering) and Bump (Relief). Then edit the UV properties at your discretion so that the texture looks good on the sloped parts of the text.
You can also increase the value. Bump (Relief) up to 30%.
Step 9
Repeat the same steps for Extrusion material (Material extrusion). When editing a texture, keep in mind that for all materials the UV values should not be the same. In this lesson for Extrusion material (Material extrusion) values Scale (Scale) for U / X 2% and 400% for V / Y. Also increase the value Bump (Relief) up to 70%.
Finally apply to Back Inflation Material (Material back convexity) the same settings as for Front Inflation Material (The material of the front bulge). And to Back Bevel Material (Rear bevel material) settings for Front bevel material (The material of the front bevel).
7. Creating a plastic material
Step 1
Turn on the visibility of the black grid. white copy 2 and select Front Inflation Material (The material of the front bulge). Then in the Properties panel, click on the texture icon opposite the option Diffuse (Scattering) and select Edit Texture (Edit texture).
Step 2
The document will open with the original form. Duplicate the shape layer and change the color to # e3e7e7. Move the layer below the original.
Choose a tool Direct Selection Tool (Outline selection). Make sure that the layer with the desired shape is selected. Draw a frame around the part of the shape that you do not want it to be light.
In this case, the word White will be black, and the word Black, as well as half the symbol – will be white.
So we have to delete the word White and half of the symbol. on a layer with a light figure and the word Black and half of the symbol on a layer with a black figure.
After you have selected the parts you want, click delete to delete them.
Step 3
Some parts cannot be selected with one click. Stretch the frame where it is possible, then with Shift held down, select the remaining unnecessary points and press delete.
Step 4
After you finish, go to the menu File> Save (File – Save) to save changes and update the source material. Then go to menu File> Close (File – Close) to close the document with the texture and return to the 3D document.
This will update the texture color. Front Inflation (Front bulge) Front bevel (Front bevel) Back inflation (Rear bulge) and Back bevel (Rear bevel)
Step 5
Select Extrusion material (Material extrusion). Click on the texture icon opposite the option Diffuse (Scattering) and select Edit Texture (Edit texture).
It is more difficult. First you must use the tool Rectangle tool (Rectangle) to create three rectangles that fill the entire document vertically and horizontally. The side rectangles should be light, and in the middle should be black.
Secondly, you must save the document, but not close it, then return to the 3D document and check the changes. Based on the result, edit the rectangles and check again and check the result until Extrusion material (Extrusion material) will not have the same color as Front Inflation Material (The material of the front bulge).
Step 6
After the black and light areas Front Inflation Material (Material of the front bulge) and Extrusion material (Material extrusion) match, close the document with the texture.
Step 7
Select all tabs with materials for the black mesh. white copy 2 and change the settings as shown below.
RGB color values
- Specular(Color of the flare): 207, 209, 209
- Illumination (Glow): 0, 0, 0
- Ambient (Lighting): 0, 0, 0
8. Creating base material and adjusting lighting
Step 1
Select the Layer 1 grid and on the Properties panel, delete the textures from Diffuse (Scattering) and Opacity (Opacity).
Change the remaining parameters as shown below.
- Diffuse (Scattering): 236, 236, 235
- Specular (Color of the flare): 0, 0, 0
- Illumination(Glow): 0, 0, 0
- Ambient(Lighting): 0, 0, 0
Shag 2
Click the tab Infinite Light 1 (Infinite Light 1). On the Properties panel, change the color to 252, 252, 249, change Intensity (Intensity) by 25% and Shadow softness (Shadow Smoothing) up to 30%.
Step 3
You can using the tool Move Tool (Move) change the position of the light or click on the icon Coordinates (Coordinates) and enter values Angle (Angle) as shown below.
Step 4
Press the button Add new Light to Scene (Add new light to the scene) at the bottom of the 3D panel and select New point light (New point light).
Put the light on the top of the text, then change its color to 244, 242, 235, just change Intensity (Intensity) by 60% and Shadow softness (Shadow Smoothing) up to 30%.
Check the box Light falloff (Dimming) and change the values Inner (Internal) and Outer (External) depending on how you would like the light to go out.
9. Render 3D scenes and add an adjustment layer.
Step 1
Go to menu 3D> Render (3D – Rendering). Rendering may take some time. But you can always stop it by pressing the key Esc.
Step 2
After rendering is complete, click on the button. Create new fill or adjustment layer (Create a new fill or adjustment layer) at the bottom of the layers panel and select Gradient map (Gradient map).
Step 3
Gradient colors on the sides # 8f8e8e and in the middle #ebeaea. Change the layer’s overlay mode to Multiply (Multiplication) and Opacity (Opacity) by 20%.
Congratulations! You did it!
In this tutorial, we created a piece of text, transforming it into a form, used the tool Line tool (Line) to remove some pieces, in order to get a mosaic shape.
Then we created 3D grids for different layers, combined them into one 3D scene and changed the camera’s field of view.
Next, we changed the settings of these 3D grids, created various materials and textures necessary to achieve cork and plastic materials.
Finally, we worked on the lighting and added an adjustment layer to complete the effect.
Final result