Create wooden 3D text in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will create a solid wooden text in Photoshop CS6 Extended. You can also use the CS5 version, but it must be an advanced version for working with 3D projects.

Final image:

Lesson resources:


Wood texture

Wooden background

Step 1

Create a new document of 1000×1000 pixels with a resolution of 72. Name this document “3D Text.

Let’s start creating the background. Fill the background layer with # ccb79f.

Step 3

Open the image of the wooden background, select the clearest part and transfer it to a new document. Layer with a wooden background name “Wood”. With the tool Free transform (Free Transform Tool) (Ctrl + T) drag a layer with a wooden background to the size of the document. Change the blend mode of the wooden texture to Multiplication (Multiply), reduce its opacity to 77%, and reduce the Fill setting to 84%.

Step 4

Add adjustment layer Hue / Saturation (Hue / Saturation) and set these values:

Color thenn (Hue): 28;
Saturation (Saturation): 21;
Brightness (Lightness): -32;
Check the Toning box (Colorize).

Step 5

Install the font in Photoshop, write the word PSD. For the font, use color # 9d8365 and size 24 points.

Step 6

Apply filter to text layer Extrusion (3D – New 3D Extrusion from selected layer) (3D> New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer). The Layers palette will automatically take the form of a 3D palette. In the properties panel you will see the camera. In the upper left corner you will see a floating window: this is your current camera. In the upper floating window, the camera shows the text on top.

Step 7

Choose a tool Move (Move Tool) and you will notice that the command will become active. Rotate 3D objects (Rotate the 3D Object). In the 3D palette, select the Rotate button – then the cursor will look like an arrow. Turn the text.

Step 8

In the 3D palette you will find the 3D layers. Below the “Current View” layer you will find a layer with an icon T called PSD. This icon shows what content is inside the layer. Inside you will also find 5 more layers that make up the 3D object.

When the PSD layer is active, the properties panel changes. Log in and change the extrusion depth to 347.

Step 9

Now in the properties panel, select the command Capital (Cap). In the Bevel section, change the parameter Width (Width) up to 2% and in parameter Semicircle (Contour) select round. In the Inflate section, change the parameter Angle (Angle) to 90º. After that, the change process begins.

Click on the Render icon to bring this button into the palette. You can stop rendering when you are satisfied with the result by clicking anywhere on the image.


Step 10

Add texture to the text. In the 3D palette, select the last 4 layers inside the PSD group. Now in the property bar, click the arrow next to the sphere image to open the available texture list and find the Wood Balsa texture in it. Make sure that the parameter Diffusion (Diffuse) the color is # c18759, and in the parameter Glow (Illumination) selected color # 352c22.

Remaining parameters adjust so:
Shine (Shine): 50%;
Reflection(Reflection): 15%;
Relief (Bump): 37%
Refractive index (Refraction): 1,550.


Step 11

Make the PSD Extrusion Material layer active, go to the properties panel and change the wood texture to any cracked ones, for example, Wood Ash. Change the color of the parameter Diffusion (Diffuse) to # c99b37 and parameter value Relief (Bump) by 30%.
Now you can turn on the image rendering to see what it becomes.


Step 12

You can also add your own texture. Highlight PSD layer Front Inflation Material, enter the properties panel and click on the folder icon Relief (Bump) right click and select Load texture (Load Texture). Now in the window that opens, select a wooden texture.

Step 13

In the property panel, change these parameters:

Diffusion (Diffuse): # 9d8365;
Glare(Specular): # 020202;
Glow(Illumination): # 000000;
Lighting(Ambient): # 030303;
Shine(Shine): 50%;
Reflection (Reflection): 15%;
Relief (Bump): 37%;
Refractive index (Refraction): 1,550.


Step 14

In the CS5 version, after finishing the work in the 3D section, you cannot change the created 3D object. But in version CS6 it is possible to change the 3D object. Go to the 3D panel and select your 3D object (PSD). Then, on the property bar, click on the button. Change source (Edit Source). This option allows you to open a new document in which you can change the text. I will change the text and add the word FAN.

Step 15

Let’s increase the spacing between the letters. Open the palette Characters (Character) and increase the tracking to 128. Now change the value Leading up to 16, 55 points.

Close the panel and save the changes. Now your 3D text will look like this:

Step 16

Now apply the command Snap an object to the base plane (3D> Snap an object to the ground plane) (3D> Snap 3D Object to Ground Plane). Here we will add a shadow to the text. Adjust the text position on the Y axis.


Step 17

This texture is too big, let’s change it. Select the PSD FAN Front Inflation Material layer, in the properties panel click on the folder icon to the right of the parameter Relief (Bump) and select Edit UV Properties. Change the values ​​to 100%. You can see the result below:

Step 18

Do the same with the layer PSD FAN Extrusion Material. Set these values ​​here:
U-scale (U Scale): 63.37%;
V-scale (V scale): 85.15%;
U-offset (U Offset): -18.81%;
V-offset (V Offset): 2.97%
Also, you can press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + R.

Final image:

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