In this tutorial, you will learn how to use 3D tools, Photoshop settings, and some adjustment layers to create a 3D text effect. Let’s start!
1. Create layers with text.
Step 1
Create a new document 1250 x 800 pixels.
Then create the text, just install All Caps (All caps) and use the “Built Titling Bold” font. Install Size (Size) up to 300 pt, and Tracking (Tracking) set to 100.
Step 2
Name the layer with the text “Text” and then right-click and select Convert to shape (Convert to curves).
Step 3
Duplicate the text layer two times, and then rename the first copy to “Bottom” and the second to “Top”.
2. Subtract shapes
Step 1
Drag and drop Guide (Guide) to the place where you want to get the 3D effect of curved text.
Step 2
Take the tool Rectangle tool (Rectangle) and select the top layer (“Top”), you will need to hold down the Option (Alt) key to subtract the shape.
Create a rectangle that will cover the bottom of the text. After, release the Option (Alt) key and use the Space (Space) key (or the Ctrl key) to move the rectangle, if necessary.
Step 3
When you create a rectangle, the bottom of the dough on the top layer will be deleted.
To remove the contour, click on the icon Path operations (Outline operations) in the Parameters panel, and then select the parameter Merge shape components (Combine the components of the figure).
Step 4
Repeat the same steps on the bottom layer (“Bottom”), this time you need to subtract the upper part.
3. Create 3D Background Layers
Step 1
Create with the tool RectangleTool (Rectangle) a rectangular shape that will extend beyond the bounds of the document, and name it “Background”.
Step 2
Duplicate the background layer, and then select both the “Background copy” and “Text” layers.
Step 3
Go to Layer > CombineShapes > SubtractShapesatOverlap (Layers> Merge Shapes> Subtract Shapes in Overlay). Thus, we subtract the text from the rectangle.
4. Convert layers with forms to 3D layers
Step 1
Now each layer needs to be selected separately, and then go to 3D> New 3D Extrusion from Selected Path (3D> New 3D extrusion from a selected path).
Step 2
Select all the resulting 3D layers, and then go to 3D> Merge 3D Layers (3D> Merging 3D layers)
5. How to work with a 3D scene
Step 1
To access the settings and properties of the 3D grid, you need to open two panels: the 3D panel and the panel Properties (Properties) (both are in the menu Window (Window)).
The 3D panel has all the components of a 3D scene, and when you click on any of them, you can access the settings on the panel. Properties (Properties). Therefore, before changing the settings on the panel Properties (Properties) be sure to select the tab of the item you want to change in the 3D panel.
Step 2
If you choose a tool Move Tool (Move), then a set of 3D modes will appear on the top settings panel.
You can select one of them to make changes (on the selected item in the 3D panel).
6. How to change 3D grid settings
Step 1
Select the “Top”, “Bottom” and “Background” tabs in the 3D panel, and then in the Properties (Properties) change Extrusion depth (Extrusion Depth) 2 pixels.
Step 2
Select the “Text” tab, and then change Extrusion depth (Extrusion Depth) by 5 pixels.
Step 3
Select all the tabs, and then click the icon. Coordinates (Coordinates) at the top of the panel Properties (Properties) and change the angle of rotation X to 90º.
Step 4
Click on the icon in the upper right corner of the 3D panel and select Move Object to Ground Plane (Move the object to the base plane).
If you still do not see all the three-dimensional grids, then go to 3D > PackObjectsonGroundPlane (3D> Pack an object on the ground plane) or select each grid and drag it onto the ground plane separately.
7. How to move 3D grids
Step 1
Choose a tool Move Tool (Move) and use the 3D axis to move the 3D grids in the scene.
The arrows at the ends of the axis move the grid, the part below them is used for rotation, and the cubes are used for scaling. The cube in the center is used for uniform scaling of the object. All you have to do is click and drag the desired part.
Step 2
You can also click on the tab. Current view (Current view) and then select any option in the drop-down menu. View (View) on the panel Properties (Properties).
Step 3
Keep in mind that you can use 3D modes only by selecting the tool. MoveTool (Move).
Step 4
Create a small distance between the background and the text to get some space.
This step will take you some time, you will need to work with the text and background, each time changing the view when using the 3D-axis, but you need to get the result, which is shown below.
You can always change the settings if necessary, especially after you apply the materials and adjust the lighting.
8. How to create an illuminating background material
Step 1
Select all tabs Material (Material) and then click on the icon Diffuse (Scattering) and select Remove Texture (Remove texture).
Step 2
Select tab Background Front Inflation Material (Background Material of the front bulge) and set the following settings:
(The color values used are in RGB.)
- Diffuse (Scattering): 197, 163, 163
- Specular (Color of the flare): 239, 226, 231
- Illumination (Glow): 145, 76, 84
- Shine (Glitter): 50
- Reflection (Reflection): 10
9. How to create a background using two materials
Step 1
Select tab Text Front Inflation Material (Text Material front bulge) and set the following settings:
- Diffuse (Scattering): 231, 228, 228
- Specular (Highlight color): 239, 235, 230
- Illumination (Glow): 35, 34, 32
- Shine (Glitter): 50
Step 2
Click on the folder icon Bump (Relief) and select Load texture (Load texture) and then open the “Smooth_stucco_flat_white_paint_plaster_wall_textur” image.
Step 3
Click on the texture icon Bump (Relief) and select Edit UV Properties (Edit UV-properties).
Step 4
Work with the values Tile (Mosaic) and Offset (Offset) until you like the effect.
Step 5
Reduce value Bump (Relief) to 3.
Step 6
Select tab TextFrontBevel (Text Front Bevel Material) TextExtrusion (Text Material Extrusion) and TextBackBevelMaterial (Text Material bevel back) and set the following settings:
- Diffuse (Scattering): 197, 163, 163
- Specular (Color of the flare): 239, 226, 231
- Illumination (Glow): 145, 76, 84
- Shine (Glitter): 50
- Reflection (Reflection): 10
10. How to create 3D paper material
Step 1
Select tab Bottom Front Inflation Material (Bottom material of the front bulge) and set the following settings:
- Diffuse (Scattering): 231, 228, 228
- Specular (Highlight color): 239, 235, 230
- Illumination (Glow): 35, 34, 32
- Shine (Glitter): 50
Use the same texture that we added to Bump (Relief).
Step 2
Adjust values as necessary. Edit UV Properties (Edit UV-properties).
Step 3
Click on the field Material picker (Material selection), then click on the gear icon and select New material (Create stuff).
Step 4
Enter a name for the material and click OK.
Step 5
Select the remaining material tabs in “Top” and “Bottom”.
Open up Material picker (Material selection), scroll down to the material icon that you just saved, and click on it to apply it to the selected materials.
11. How to adjust the lighting of the 3D scene
Step 1
Click on the tab Infinite Light 1 (Infinite Light 1) on the 3D panel, and then on the panel Properties (Properties) change Type (Type) on Spot (Directed).
Use these settings for SpotLight (Directional light):
- Intensity (Intensity): 65
- Shadow softness (Shadow Smoothing): 30
- Hotspot (Center light): 10
- Cone (Cone): 25
- Check the box Light falloff (Light decay)
- Inner (Inner radius): 1000
- Outer (Outer radius): 3000
You can also pick up other values that you like.
Step 2
Use the tool Move Tool (Move) or tab Coordinates (Coordinates) to change the position of the spot until you get the right light.
Step 3
Click the tab Environment (Wednesday) and change Intensity (Intensity) by 25%.
12. How to create the effect of depth of field
Step 1
Select tab Scene (Scene) and then select Hidden wireframe (Hidden frame) drop-down menu Presets (Sets).
This will help you to better see the effect out of focus.
Step 2
Select tab Current view (Current view) and change the value Depth of Field Depth (Depth of Field> Depth) at 8.
Depending on the angle of the camera, you may need to use different values. Distance (Offset) and Depth (Depth). Hidden wireframes (Hidden frame) helps you see the result when the values change.
Step 3
Return to the tab Scene (Scene) and select again Default (Default).
Step 4
If you do not want to change anything, then go to the next step, to do this, go to 3D > Render 3DLayer (3D> Rendering the 3D layer).
It may take some time to render, but you can stop it at any time by pressing the Esc key.
13. Apply adjustment layers
Step 1
Click on the icon Create new fill or adjustment layer (Create a new adjustment layer or a fill layer) at the bottom of the layers panel and select Selective color (Selective color correction).
Step 2
Choose red color and set the following settings:
- Cyan (Blue): -35
- Magenta (Magenta): 30
- Yellow (Yellow): 10
- Black (Black): 5
Step 3
Add adjustment layer Curves (Curves) and after change BlendMode (Blend Mode) on Luminosity (Brightness). Make a curve so that you like the final effect.
Congratulations, everything is ready!
In this tutorial, we created layers with the shape of the text and background to get the desired effect. Then we converted the layers with the shape into 3D layers and adjusted the grid settings.
After that, we moved the grids, added various materials, adjusted the lighting, added the effect of depth of field and visualized the 3D scene.
Finally, we used adjustment layers to complete our effect.
Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and results below.