We draw a beautiful Valentine in Photoshop

?In this lesson we suggest you create a beautiful card for Valentine’s Day in several steps using Photoshop.

Final image

To get started, open a new document sized 1000x1000px, Resolution (Resolution) 72dpi, RGB 8bits colors.

Then take the tool Gradient (Gradient) (G) and draw a radial gradient using colors # 2b0014, # 880047.

Then add a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N), take the tool Brush (Brush) (B) soft shape, color # f17eb5 and draw below the spot as shown below.

Then change its blending mode to Overlay (Overlap).

Now take Pen (Pen) (p) in mode Shape (Figure) and draw a black heart.


We will learn how to create patterns in Photoshop

To make a pattern in Adobe Photoshop, create a new document 3x3px, take the tool Pencil (Pencil) (B) square shape (default) and draw three black squares as shown below.

Then go to menu Edit> Define Pattern (Edit> Define Pattern).

We will also create a second pattern, open a new 500 document? 500px and fill the background with dark gray 1d1d1d.

Then go to menu Filter> Noise> Add Noise (Filter> Noise> Add Noise).

Then go to menu Edit> Define Pattern (Edit> Define Pattern).

Return to the working document, go to the layer with the heart and go to the overlay settings.

And here is the desired result

Now duplicate the heart layer and go to the menu. Layer> Layer Style> Clear Layer Style (Layer> Layer Style> Clear Layer Style).

Then apply a new layer style (overlay settings).

This gives you the following result.

Now duplicate the two layers and arrange them as shown in the image below.

Then create other layers and add glowing particles.

Editor’s Note:

  • For this you can find and download the necessary to complete the lesson. textures and brushes on our site.
  • If you want to learn how to create a glowing effect in more detail, then look at the lessons on our website. For example, Create a bokeh wallpaper.

In the new layer, try to get the following effect by adjusting the size of the brushes used.

Then create another layer and add the bokeh particles as shown below.

Then change your blending mode to Overlay (Overlap).

Repeat the same steps with other shapes to get the same result.

Now enter the text using the tool Text (Text) (T), Giddehand font and color # fa335c.

Finally, apply an external glow to do this, go to the blending options.

And here is the final result, now you know how to make a card for Valentine’s Day.

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