3D wave

In this lesson, we will use the available and simple tools and filters to draw a body wave against the sky.

Step 1. Preparing the texture.
Create a new document (Ctrl +N), dimensions do not matter.
Select foreground color (primary color) – Light blue, and the background color is White. Now apply Filter – Clouds to this layer. Go to Filter – Rendering – Clouds (Filter – Render – Clouds)

3D wave

Now apply to this layer Curves.
Picture – Correction – Curves (Image – Adjustment – Curves (Ctrl + M)). Achieve curves so that the blue color becomes darker.
Using Curves in this case, allows you to maintain the hue and saturation of the image, darkening Mid tones.

3D wave

Step 2. The texture of water.
Take the tool “Rectangular area3D wave (Rectangular marquee (M)) and select them two thirds of the image. Copy the selection to a new layer (Ctrl +J).
Now you need to darken the resulting piece.
Go to Image – Correction – Brightness / Contrast (Image – Adjustment – Brightness / Contrast) and lower the Brightness to -50%.

3D wave

This will prepare the image for the application of the following filter, since in the presence of dark areas “Cellophane packaging“Will overlap more image on the image.
Go to Filter – Imitation – Cellophane packaging (Filter – Artistic – Plastic wrap) and set there such parameters.

3D wave

It turns out like this:

3D wave

Step 3. Perspective (waves).
Reduce your image so that there is enough space around the edges. Make sure you are on a layer with a wave. Apply to this layer Free transformation (Ctrl +T), right-click on the transformation frame, select – Perspective (Perspective). Pull the bottom corner of the frame. Stretch approximately on 100-150% Width (look at the top, in the settings panel of the tool – “W:”)

3D wave

Approximate result:

3D wave

Step 4. Wave edge.
Using Filter – Plastic (Filter – Liquify) (Shift +Ctrl +X), make the edge of the wave uneven. From bottom to top with vertical movements. Brushes, small size, achieve some wavy edge. Also, raise the reflections on the wave. Adding thereby additional volume.

3D wave

Restore image brightness. Image – Correction – Brightness / Contrast (Image – Adjustment – Brightness / Contrast). Increase the Brightness so that the wave is slightly darker than the sky.
Now apply again Free transformation, a little (approximately by 30%) Stretch the wave down horizontally.

3D wave

Step 5. Perspective (sky).
Go to the first layer. Tool “Rectangular area3D wave select the top of the sky, which is visible behind the wave. Copy it to a new layer (Ctrl +J).
Apply to her Free transformation (Ctrl +T), right-click on the transformation frame, select – Perspective. Pull the upper frame of the transformation for approximately 50% in width.

3D wave

It should be something like this.

3D wave

Step 6. Finishing Touches
Take the tool “Clarifier3D wave (Dodge (o)), brush size large, stiffness 0%, Mid Tone Range, Expos. 17-20%. And on a layer with a piece of sky, lighten a small area. The stain does not have to be completely white or completely round. Just walk a few times with the brush in the same place, slightly narrowing the radius of the brush’s impact, so that the center is lighter.

3D wave

Go to the wave layer. Change the tool “Clarifier“Range on” Light. ” And, departing a little from the edge of the wave, draw a bright spot, as if the light passes through the wave.

3D wave

You can also add some gulls. And now, the wave is ready.

3D wave

I wish you good luck in doing this simple lesson.

Author: worth1000

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