In this lesson we will learn how to create a winter effect and add snow.
Changes can be made using Lightroom or CameraRaw,and then we will continue to work in the program AdobePhotoshop with adjustment layers and filters that will help us in creating a small snow storm.
We’ll use a filter to create a snow effect. Noise(Noise), as well as a filter that simulates a dry brush. These filters are available in any version of the program. AdobePhotoshop, however, to use the following filter, a version will be needed AdobePhotoshop older for example CS6 or SS.
Next, we apply the depth of field filter to blur some snow particles and create a bokeh effect using Field blur (Blur across the field)(available in CS6 or CC).
So let’s get started!
Step 1
To begin with, open the photo attached to the lesson in the program Adobe Photoshop (Ctrl+O), or just transfer the photo to the program.
The first thing we need to do is make the basic portrait settings. The photo used in this tutorial has a lot of flaws, so let’s adjust the shadows and increase the exposure.
Click image to enlarge.
Step 2
Duplicate image layer (Ctrl+J), go to Filter – BlurGallery – FieldBlur(Filter – Blur Gallery – Blur across the field) and blur the duplicate layer with a radius of thirtypx. Then change the blend mode of this layer to Screen (Screen) and lower Opacity(Opacity) layer up 20-30%.
What should happen:
Step 3
Next, we will add snow. To do this, create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) and fill it with black.
Next, you need to go Filter – Noise – Add Noise (Filter-Noise-Add Noise) and apply the same settings as in the screenshot.
And then we move on to FilterGallery (Filter Gallery) and use the filter DryBrush(Dry brush). BrushSize (Brush size) put four, and then create a new layer (at the bottom, on the same panel), without leaving the filter gallery and apply the same dry brush effect, only with the size 4-7. Leave the rest of the data equal. 0.
Next, change the blending mode of this layer to Screen(Screen) and see what should happen:
Step 4
We created something similar to the spots and now we need to make snowflakes of them. Make a copy of the layer Ctrl+J and make a copy invisible. Next, with the tool FreeTransform(Free transform) (Ctrl + T), increase the snowflakes, and also move them slightly to the side. With the tool GaussianBlur (Blur according to Gauss) Blur the spots as you see fit. The author used the blur radius 2-3px.
Then duplicate the original with the snowflakes again. (Ctrl+J). With the help of the same tool FreeTransform (Free transform) (Ctrl + T) flip the copy horizontally, you can turn on 180 degrees, etc. The main thing is that the snowflakes were scattered randomly in the photo.
Step 5
Activate the copy of the layer we made invisible and change its blending mode to Normal. Now let’s work with her. Let’s go to Filter – BlurGallery– FieldBlur (Filter – Blur Gallery – Blur across the field) and create something similar to the Bokeh effect to defocus the snowflakes (because some are near, and some are far). Result on the screenshot:
Change the blending mode to Screen(Screen). And here is our result:
Step 6
For even more realism, you can duplicate the previous layers (Ctrl+J), reflect them horizontally / vertically, distort, apply the effect Warp (Warp) and play around with its settings, change settings GaussianBlur(Blur according to Gauss), etc. Also, we need to create the effect of the movement of snowflakes. To do this, you can use a tool such as Warp (Warp) (Ctrl + T) and stretch the snowflakes so that it looks like they fall.
Step 7
At the end of the changes, let’s add the winter sun to our document. At the very top of the layers palette, create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) and using the tool Brush(Brush) (B), white color, with a large radius, put a spot on the left of the document in the corner:
Then, using the tool FreeTransform (Free Transform) (Ctrl + T) enlarge the white area and place it on the document so that it is as natural as possible. You can experiment with layer settings. Opacity (Opacity).
And that’s what we got in the end.
Step 8
Also, you can spend a little color correction using a correction layer. PhotoFilter (Photo Filter) with Opacity(Opacity) layer 33% and settings, as in the screenshot:
Next, you can use the adjustment layer Vibrance (Vibration) with the specified settings:
And also, you can add GradientMap(Gradient Map) with blend mode Hue(Color tone) and Opacity(Opacity) 15%.
And this is what we get as a result:
I hope that the result you were pleasantly surprised, and was also quite simple for you and you apply them not only in your photos, but also in photos of your friends and relatives.