Devilish look

Step 1. Open the photo with which we will work. Duplicate this layer (just in case, so that you can always return). Choosing a tool Burn toolDevilish look (Blackout), set midtones (medium tones) and opacity 20-40%. We spend them on the edge and in the center of the pupil.
Now we take the tool Dodge toolDevilish look (Lightening) set midtones (medium tones). Lighten the white of the eye, as well as areas for which it is necessary.

Devilish look

Step 2. Tool DodgetoolDevilish look (lightening), make “rays” on the iris and lighten any other areas for which this is necessary.

Devilish look

Step 3. Now use Filter> Rendering > Lighting Effects (filter> render> lighting effects). To add an interesting lighting effect for a photo, we can change the filter colors Lighting effects (by clicking on the white square in the filter options). Try not to saturate the photo in this step, if the effect is excessive, it can be reduced by Edit> Fade lighting effects 50% (edit> reduce lighting effect).

Devilish look

Step 4. Now, it is time to change the color of the iris. Do this by creating a new layer. Layer> New> layer (layer> new layer) and paint over the pupil with a soft brush. Use the color you like (I recommend orange). After, change the blending mode to Color (Chromaticity) and decrease opacity (opacity) layer up 50-60%

Devilish look

Step 5. Using DodgeDevilish look and BurnDevilish look (lightening and darkening) add more light / shadows to the eye so that the effect is stronger.

Devilish look

Step 6. To add a photo of sensations, go to Layer > Newadjustmentlayer > Gradientmap (layer> new adjustment layer> gradient map), look for the colors to be black and white or just press D. Change the blending mode to Luminosity (Glow). If necessary, you can repeat step 4 using a different color for the brush and a different level of opacity.

Devilish look

Step 7. At this stage, you can work with tools again. DodgeDevilish look and BurnDevilish look(lightening / darkening).
Create a new layer, fill it with yellow-orange color, change the blending mode to Linear dodge (linear clarifier) ​​and set fill (fill) this layer is 10%.

Devilish look

Step 8. And in the end, apply Layer > Newadjustmentlayer > Selectioncolor (layer> new adjustment layer> selective color correction), use the options you liked the most. Optionally, you can apply Filter> Render> Lighting effects (Filter> Rendering> Lighting Effects), just now set the opacity to 35%.

Devilish look

The finish!
My version:

Devilish look

Author: photoshopstar

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