good and evil

This lesson will show you how to create two characters in one photo. One will be dark and evil, and the other – bright and good.

The lesson time is approximately 20-45 minutes.
Here is the final result:

Materials for the lesson:

Step 1. Let’s get started!
Find a suitable photo for work or you can use the model from the archive.
Open the image in Photoshop and change the size Image – Image Size (Image – Size) at 800×600 pixels.
Now divide the photo into good and evil halves. To do this, create a rectangular selection of the right part of the tool Rectangular marquee tool (Rectangular selection) (M) size 400×690 pixels, press CTRL + C and on the new layer CTRL + V.

We have two layers: the background and the “evil” side. Call the second “right side” and change Blending mode (Overlay settings) on Soft light (Soft light). Do not worry if the colors have changed for the better, we will fix it later.
Create a new layer and draw with the tool. Line tool (Line) (U) A thin black line in the middle of the image.
Activate the background layer and tool Sponge tool (Sponge) (O) slightly discolor the “evil” side.

Step 2. Let’s play with blending.
Click on the layer “right side” and activate the tool Lasso Tool (Lasso) (L). Now select the eyeball. Next CTRL + C and on the new layer CTRL + V. Name the layer “eye” and change Blending mode (Overlay settings) on Soft light (Soft light).
Change the color of the eye. To do this, call Hue / Saturation (Hue and Saturation) (CTRL + U) and adjust the parameters to your liking. Remember that our goal is to give the eye softness and kindness, try not to overdo it with flowers. For my work, I chose a green shade.

Next, create a new layer and call the “right eye.” Activate the soft round brush and draw the eye with black color. Do not worry if it is not very realistic, we will fix everything later.

Step 3. Hue, is that you?
Go back to the background layer and create a selection on the left of 400×690 pixels. Again CTRL + C and on the new layer CTRL + V. Name the layer “left side”.
Change Blending mode (Overlay settings) on Soft light (Soft light). Click CTRL + U. Since the Blend options are set to Soft Light, different colors will help to get interesting results. Experiment! I added blue to my image and lowered saturation. You can apply the parameters Hue / Saturation several times, until the result satisfies you. Remember: you need to give this side as much darkness as possible.

Step 4. Dead come!
It’s time to add texture. I used this, but you can take any such. Load in Photoshop and move the texture above all layers. Name the new layer “texture” and change Blending mode (Overlay settings) on Hard light (Hard Light), lower opacity to 90%. Add a layer mask to the layer by clicking at the bottom of the panel with layers. Add layer mask (Add layer mask). Tool Eraser tool (Eraser) on the layer mask erase in the lips, hair and eyes.

Step 5. Paint me.
Next, add a little creativity. Draw a wound under the eye and on the lips using a brush. For it, set the color to black, lower the opacity level and experiment with Blending mode (Overlay Parameters) layer, until the result satisfies you.

Step 6. Color correction.
Now we see significant changes in both parts of the photo, but still something is missing. Is not it?
Activate the “texture” layer and create a new adjustment layer. Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Hue / Saturation (Layer – New adjustment layer – Hue and Saturation) with the following parameters:

You can play with the settings.

Step 7. Bright side.
Well, the “Dark” side is almost ready and now we can work on “Light”.

Create a new layer and activate the standard brush from the set of Photoshop, which is shown in the picture below:

In the parameters set:

Brush Tip Shape:
Spacing (Spacing): 100%

Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter (Size Swing): 100%
Angle Jitter (Angle Jitter): 100%

Scatter: 1000%
Both axes are active.
Count (Counter): 2

Slightly brush over the surface of the picture by drawing some kind of sparkles. Can add Outer glow (Outer Glow) by double-clicking on a layer, invoking the settings Layer Style (Layer Style).

Step 8. The final touch.
Here I added text on the light part, discolored the dark one and added a few scratches on it.

Here is another option:

It’s all! Good luck!

Author: Eric / Steel Frog

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