Make a high-speed turn in Photoshop

Materials for the lesson:

Create a new document size, for example, 800? 600 px.
Locate with a night city. Open the image and drag it to your work document. Rename this layer to “City Lights”.

Create new adjustment layerHue / Saturation (Hue / Saturation) above the image with the city, tick Colorize(coloring / shading) with such parameters:Hue (Color tone)+207, Saturation(Saturation) +20 and Lightness (Brightness) 0.

Now download the image with the road. Cut only the turn of the road from the image. Rename this layer as “Road”.
Further Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation(Image – Correction – Color Hue / Saturation) and put Hue0, Saturation to -50 and Lightness-65.

Duplicate the “Road” layers. Select the copied layer and invert, go to Image> Adjustments> Invert(Image – Correction – Invert). Set the blending mode of this layer to Hue(Color tone).

Open the image of the car and separate the car from the background. Change the size and position as shown below. Rename this layer as “Car”.

Duplicate the “Car” layers and go to Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation. Install Lightness – 0

Now blur the image with Filter>Blur>GaussianBlur(Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur) and set the radius to 8 px. Name this layer “Car Shadow”.

Move this layer under “Car” and using MoveTool (Move (V)) Move it slightly lower. Then using Eraser (E) remove excess.

Select the “Car” layer, right-click on it and select Blending Options> Outer Glow (Layer Style – Outer Glow). Enter the parameters as shown below.

Load the selection layer “Car”. To do this, hold down Ctrl, click on the layer icon. Fill the selection with color # FF9C00. Rename this layer as “Car Glow”. Set the blending mode of this layer to Hard light (Hard light) and opacity on thirty%. Using tool Eraser tool (Eraser (E)), with a 200px soft round brush, erase the front of the car to reveal the original color.

Create a new adjustment layer. Levels (Levels) and set the values ​​to 11, 0.88, 255.

Create a new layer and name it “Light Streaks”. Draw 3 white stripes on it as shown below.

Go to Edit>Transform>Warp(Edit – Transform – Warp). Adjust the bars in the shape of an arc.

Go to Filter> Liquify (Filter – Plastic). Choose a tool Twirl clockwise tool (Twist clockwise) and create some waves as shown below. With the tool Eraser tool (Eraser) with a size of 300 px and a soft round brush, soften the beginning and end of wavy stripes.

Double click on the “Light Streaks” layer and select Outer glow (External glow) and Inner glow (Internal glow). Enter the parameters as shown below.

You should get something similar to the image below.

Create a new layer and repeat the steps to form several of the same, but thinner stripes.

Download brushes Debris Brushes by Zigabaooooo. On a new layer with brushes loaded near the wheels, draw white sparkles. Apply the same styles to this layer as for the white stripes.
To do this, copy the style of the “Light Streaks” layer and paste it onto the layer with sparks and lower the size for Outer glow up to 5px.

Duplicate layers “Car”. Select duplicate layer and go to Filter> Blur> Motion Blur (Filter – Blur – Blur in motion). Install Angle(Angle) to 40 and Distance (Offset) up to 50. With a tool Eraser (Eraser), with a size of 300px, we remove some parts to reveal the original color of the car.

Again duplicate the “Car” layer and also apply Motion blur Angle 0 and Distance 50, and erase the blurry areas of the car.

Create a new layer below the “Car” and name it “Smoke”. Make an arbitrary selection of the city with the tool Lasso . Then click Select> Modify> Feather (Selection – Modification – Feather) and set the radius to 50 pixels. Go to Filter> Render> Clouds(Filter – Rendering – Clouds) and change the blending mode of this layer to Color dodge (Lightening the basics).

Duplicate the “Smoke” layers and change the blend mode to Screen(clarification).

Now go to Image>Adjustments>Levels(Image – Correction – Levels). Set the values ​​to 26, 1, 255.

Create a new layer above the “Car” layer, and name it as “Headlights”. Create some round selections around the car’s headlights with feathering (Feather) 5 px. Fill them with color #FFFFFF. Click right click on the layer icon > Blending Options> Outer Glow. Values ​​as in the image below.

Create a new layer above the “Headlights” layer. Use Pencil tool with 1px and color # FF6000, and draw thin intersecting rays near the center of the headlights. Eraser soften the edges of the rays. Set the opacity of this layer to 30%. Repeat this step for all headlights.

Now merge all the layers (Ctrl + Shift + E) and download the Topaz Adjust 3 filter from Topaz Labs, which can be used for 30 days with full features.

To do this, on the Topaz Labs main page, enter your email address in the box and click submit. An email will be sent to your inbox with the keys to the submitted Topaz Labs product, which will be valid for 30 days.

Install the filter and restart Photoshop. Go to Filter> Topaz Labs> Topaz Adjust 3. Open Presets on the left and select ExposureColorStretch. Leave all default settings and click OK.

If your filter doesn’t work, you can use Brightness/Contrast, Brightness +64 and Contrast +33. Then you can play with Curves (Ctrl + M). That’s all! Hope you enjoy this tutorial. Thank.
Here is my result without a filter.

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