Materials for the lesson:
Step 1. Create a document with a white background. Immediately apply a gradient to the background, stretching it from the bottom side of the image to the top.
The author used colors # 818181 and #EBEBEB for the gradient. This results in a good image depth.
Step 2. Take an image with an apple and cut it out in any way you like. The author used eraser with pressure of 80%.
Step 3. Use the following settings Layer style with an apple to give an apple shadow. Then, if you want, you can use the tool “Lightening“To highlight the opposite shadow. The author used a brush with a size of 100 pixels and 10% of the exposure, in the range of “Middle Tones”.
Step 4. Take an image with a zipper, cut the zipper itself, as shown in the figure, and paste it into a document. Copy the right side of the image and paste it onto the left side and flip it horizontally (Editing => Transform => Flip Horizontal), drag the copied part of the image as shown in the figure. Use a very small brush, cut the fabric so that only the zipper remains. After that, using the “Plastic” filter (Ctrl + Shift + X), deform the lightning to widen the gap, if you want.
To add a little shadow to the lightning, go to the Layer Style page by double-clicking on the layer thumbnail and set the following inner shadow settings:
Mode: Normal
Opacity: 75%
Angle: 135
Offset: 5
Tightening: 0
Size: 5
Step 5. Create a new layer and place a photo with an orange in it, move the layer with lightning in the layers palette so that it is above the layer with orange and switch to the layer with orange. Click “Q“to enter mode quick masks and paint over the small brush area of the layer that is visible inside the zipper gap. When you have finished press “Q” again, click “Delete” now the layer with an orange should be only inside the gap.
Step 6. Now we are going to fold the apple. Take a photo with a “crumpled” cloth and discolor it. Erase the sides of the image using a soft brush so that only the middle is left and in the Layer Styles settings tick the box “Color overlay»Put overlay mode Soft light, color options are as follows:
R: 0
G: 165
B: 0
Step 7. Take the creation, created in the previous step, and place it next to each side of the zipper. And using Deformation (Edit => Transform => Warp or Alt + Shift + Ctrl + D), deform the folds so that they go along the zipper, as shown in the figure. Use soft brush to remove parts that you don’t like. Your image should look something like this.
Step 8. Create a new group in the layers palette and group all the layers except the background. Duplicate this group and hide the first group with the layer. Now click Ctrl + Shift + E, to merge all visible layers. Make the first group and background visible again. Go back to the merged layer and flip it vertically (Editing => Transform => Flip Vertically) and place it under the first apple, as shown in the figure.
Step 9. Select eraser . A 250 pixel brush is 30% opacity and start deleting an apple on the bottom image, which will be a reflection of the top Apple. While the result is as follows:
Addition: you can also make the shadow of the apple, and make the reflection transparent, using a gradient and a layer mask.