Not sure how to quit smoking? Look at the image below – a vivid example of what you are turning into with each puff.
Materials for the lesson:
Smoking man
Smoke 1
Smoke 2
Smoke 3
Smoke 4
Step 1. Open the image with the smoker.
Step 2. Open the image with the skull and separate the skull from the background (this can be done with the tool “Pen” (Pen Tool)). With the tool “Moving” (Move Tool) drag the skull to the working document (image with smoker). Tool “Stamp” (Clone Stamp Tool) remove metal parts and “crack” from the forehead from the skull.
Next in the menu Editing \ Transforming \ Flip Horizontal (Edit \ Transform \ Flip Horizontal) and with the help of Free Transform we will reduce the size and rotate the skull, name the layer “skull”
Step 3. Open the image “Smoke 1”, drag and drop into the working document. Using the tool “Stamp” (Clone Stamp Tool) “wipe off” a cigarette (by cloning a black background) – leave only the smoke. Tool “Polygonal Lasso (Polygonal Lasso tool) circle the smoke, Ctrl+J, move the selected smoke to the working paper, name the layer “cigarette smoke”
Step 4. Change the blending mode for the “cigarette smoke” layer to “Lightening” (Screen). Now select the “Dimmer” (Burn tool) and process the edges (so that there are no clear boundaries). Ctrl+T, reduce size and rotate as shown below
Step 5. Let’s do the skull. Next in the menu Image \ Correction \ Levels (Image \ Adjustments \ Levels), settings below. Choose the tool “Stamp” (Clone Stamp Tool) and remove the shadow in the right eye socket (clone the light areas and transfer to the dark). Discolor the skull Image \ Correction \ Discolor (Image \ Adjustments \ Desaturate) and apply Filter \ Stylization \ Edge Glow (Filter \ Stylize \ Glowing Edges) edge width 2, edge brightness 10, softening 15
Step 6. Make the “cigarette smoke” layer and tool active. “Dimmer” (Burn tool) make the edges of the smoke softer
Step 7. Open the image “Smoke 2”. Invert the colors to make the smoke white and the background black. Image \ Correction \ Invert (Image \ Adjustments \ Invert), transfer to our working paper and name the layer “smoke”. Select tool “Brightener (Dodge Tool) and lighten the right side, change the blending mode to “Lightening“(Screen), create a duplicate layer (Ctrl+J)
Step 8. Turn off the visibility of the “smoke” layer, we will work with a copy. Ctrl+T, reduce the size further Editing \ Transforming \ Warp (Edit \ Transform \ Warp), pulling the markers, give the smoke the shape of a skull. Now with the tool “Dimmer “ (Burn tool) make the edges of the smoke softer. Duplicate the “smoke (copy)” layer, Ctrl+T, rotate, apply the deformation to shape the jaw, do not forget the tool “Dimmer” (Burn tool) process the edges of the smoke. Place the smoke layers in a group.
Step 9. Continue using duplicate smoke layers to shape the skull. Stand on the “smoke (copy)” layer in the menu Editing \ Transforming \ Flip Horizontal (Edit \ Transform \ Flip Horizontal) and work with the left side of the skull, do not forget to process the edges with the tool “Dimmer” (Burn tool), use different functions of the range of this tool, do not be afraid to experiment
Add smoke to the part where the cigarette smoke touches the chin
Step 10. We continue to use copies of the “smoke” layer, fill the eye socket with smoke, the outlines of the skull, turn off the visibility of the skull layer – this will allow you to see the smoke build up
Step 11. Now, when the skull begins to take shape, we can use another image “Smoke 3 ″, discolor and transfer to our working paper, name the layer“ new smoke ”, change the blending mode to“Lightening»(Screen). Use the same technique as before to put smoke on the skull, now smoke flows up
Step 12. Now the skull is ready for some lighter areas of smoke. Open the “Smoke 4” image and determine which parts of the smoke you will use and where. Tool “Polygonal Lasso“(Polygonal Lasso tool) highlight part of the smoke, Ctrl+J, move the selected smoke to the working paper, name the layer “light smoke”, change the blending mode to “Lightening»(Screen). And we continue to transform, deform and process the edges with the tool “dimmer”
Step 13. We continue to build the shape of the skull, using duplicate layers with smoke. Do not forget to use all the tools we used. Change the meaning of “opacity“(Opacity) for the layer to create a thinner smoke. You should have something like this.
Step 14. Next, merge all the layers with smoke (select them with the pressed key Shift and merge layers Ctrl+E), change the blending mode to “Lightening»(Screen). Tool “Dimmer” (Burn tool) darken sharp edges
Step 15. Make invisible a layer with smoke and select a layer with a skull. You should have a white line around the skull, which is the result of applying the “Edge Glow” filter. Use the tool “Eraser” (Eraser Tool) with soft edges to remove it. Return visibility to the smoke layer, and apply to the skull layer Image \ Correction \ Levels (Image \ Adjustments \ Levels)
Step 16. Using the same smoke images (the author used “Smoke 2” and “Smoke 3”) and the same techniques, add smoke streams across key areas of the skull. Create the impression as if the smoke comes off the teeth and nose.
Step 17. Select a layer with a smoker, then create new adjustment layer Curves (Layer \ New Adjustment Layer \ Curves), settings below. Staying on mask Curves Correction Layer go to the menu Selection \ All (Select \ All) and fill the selection with black. Select tool “Brush” (Brush Tool), settings below, color white, lower brush opacity and erase face
Step 18. Create new adjustment layer Levels (Levels Adjustment Layer)
Step 19. Create new adjustment layer gradient map (Layer \ New Adjustment Layer \ \ Gradient map) (this is an addition, if you are satisfied with the colors, you can leave it as it is), colors for the gradient003949 andfdfea3, at the top of the layers palette, change the blending mode to “Chromaticity»(Color). Set the brush as shown below and, drawing on the mask, restore the natural skin color
Final result