The author of the video lesson: Elena Vinogradova
The previous lesson created by this author (translation) talked about how to create interesting lighting effects with a girl on a dark background. In this tutorial we will learn how to make a very stylish effect using the photo of a girl on a light background, as well as working with Blend Modes and Adjustment Layers.
Materials for the lesson:
Step 1. Open Photoshop and create a New Document (Ctrl + N). Fill the layer with white, upload a photo of the girl (or your own) and paste it into the document.
Step 2. Go to Image> Correction> Hue / Saturation (Image> Adjustment> Hue / Saturation) and lower the Saturation to -65.
Step 3. Now go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Gradient Map (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Gradient Map) and use the standard black and white Gradient. Tick the parameters Smoothing (Dither) and Inversion (Reverse). Set the Layer Style (Blend Mode) adjustment layer to Soft light (Soft Light).
Step 4. Duplicate the girl layer (Ctrl + J) and place it above the original. Click Filter> Other> Color Contrast (Filter> Other> High Pass) and set the Radius to 5 px. Blend Mode (Blend Mode) Layer – Hard Light (Hard Light).
Step 5. Click on the original layer with the girl and go Filter> Sharpness> Unsharp Mask (in other translations – Contour sharpness) (Filter> Sharpen> Unsharp Mask). The settings are: Effect (Amount) – 90%, Radius (Radius) – 7 and Threshold (Threshold) at 0.
Step 6. Again, create a copy of the original layer with the girl and place it in the layers panel (F7) above all others. Go to Filter> Stylization> Edge Glow (Filter> Stylize> Glowing Edges). Width of Edges (Edge Width) put on 1, Brightness (Edge Brightness) on 2, and Softening (Smoothness) on 2. Here’s what you should get:
Step 7. With the active layer with selected edges, click Image> Correction> Discolor (Image> Adjustments> Desaturate). All colors will be reversed and the selected edges will turn white. Put the layer mode (Blend Mode) on Lightening (in other translations Screen) (Screen).
You can make white lines more visible with Levels: Image> Correction> Levels (Image> Adjustments> Levels). Play with the settings to achieve the desired result.
Step 8. Create a new layer above all others and using the tool Gradient (G) black and white with Radial Shape (Radial) fill this layer. Put the Overlay Mode (Blend Mode) on Multiplication (Multiply) and lower the Opacity so that the result is not too dark:
Step 9. Now create the first light effect in the photo. Use for this photograph of a bright star. We insert into our document with the girl only that part of the picture with the star that we need. Blend Mode (Blend Mode) on Lightening (in other translations Screen) (Screen).
Step 10. Go to Image> Correction> Hue / Saturation (Image> Adjustment> Hue / Saturation), tick the Colorize checkbox and drag the Color Tone slider to achieve a nice pink color. Here are the settings that the author used:
Step 11. Create a new layer and choose a blue color with the tool Brush with soft edges, draw a spot at point 1, as shown in the screenshot. Add another layer and using the same brush, but already green-yellow color, apply a “brush stroke” at point 2. Put the blending mode (Blend Mode) on both layers Lightening (in other translations Screen) (Screen).
Step 12. The author decided to add another effect – particles flying through the body. For me, this is the coolest part of the job! The image you see below he made in Cinema 4D and saved it in JPEG format. We have already downloaded them by reference at the beginning of the lesson.
Step 13. Import the image with particles into our file with the girl, go to Image> Correction> Inversion (Image> Adjustments> Invert). So, all particles will turn black, and the background will turn white. Change Blend Mode (Blend Mode) to Multiplication (Multiply) – so we get rid of the white background. Now, move the particles using Free Transformation (Ctrl + T), as shown in the screenshot:
Step 14. Once again use the image with particles and place them to the right of the girl. Reduce their size with Free Transformation (Ctrl + T). It is imperative that the particles leave the dark area of the girl’s clothing.
Step 15. Tool Eraser (E) with soft edges make the transition of particles into clothing more uniform, as shown in the screenshot:
Step 16. Now use the grunge texture we downloaded and place it on top of all layers. And here is a small embarrassment – the author did not indicate what to do with the texture further.
Here is my option:
Put Overlay Mode on Soft light (Soft Light), if necessary – reduce the opacity and using Eraser (or Layer Masks) clear the middle of the texture. Experiment with different Overlay Modes – look good here Overlap (Overlay) and Lightening (Screen).
You can not stop there. The author added a splash of milk to the girl’s leg. This is done very easily: download the image with splashes on a black background. I used it. Open it in a separate file. Go to Select> Color Range (Select> Color Range) and select Light there. Copy the selection by clicking Ctrl+C. Go to our document with the girl, insert the spray by clicking Ctrl+V. Fit it using Free Transformation (Ctrl + T). Now using soft Eraser (E) with opacity about 30% and instrument Finger (Smudge Tool) soften the transition area between the girl’s clothes and spray. I believe that it is necessary to reduce the layer Opacity to 60-70%.
Here is the final result of the author:
But an alternative, without adding particles. Although I think the particles are the salt in this lesson!