In this lesson, I will tell you how to create a fantastic abstract composition “Immersion in the Universe.”
Here is a preview of the final result:
In this lesson we will need some additional materials:
Step 1. Create a new document with the size of 950×1250 px, fill the background with black color. We load a photo of model in Photoshop and we cut.
We transfer to the working document and adjust the size (CTRL + T).
Enlarge the image and remove the extra area under the heel.
Using Smudge tool (Finger) with Strength (Intensity) 3-5%, slightly wash out the skin on the legs.
Now, using Dodge tool (Clarifier) (O) and Burn tool (Dimmer) (O) (Strength (Intensity) of both approximately 10-15%), lighten and darken the areas shown below (the contrast in the photo is okay, so this step is optional).
Soft eraser (E) erase edges to create a smooth transition.
We get the following result:
Step 2. Make a small color correction. Add three adjustment layers for the layer with the girl and create a clipping mask for each (CTRL + ALT + G):
Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Curves (Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Curves)
Vibrance (Oscillation / Amplitude / Vibration)
Color balance (Color balance)
And we get this effect:
Step 3. Now load Star brush into Photoshop. Create a new layer above the background and paint with a brush at the bottom of the document. If necessary, use Free transform (Free Transform) (CTRL + T) to adjust the shape.
We draw shadows from model on a star floor.
If you combine Free transform (Free transform) (CTRL + T) and star brushes, you can get a very interesting effect, which is shown below in the screenshot:
Place the resulting abstraction behind the model (duplicate this layer once to increase the brightness).
We can also deform and reduce the size of the layer with the stars, then apply the star texture to the working paper.
We have a star texture in front and behind the model.
Step 4. Now create an abstract brush to diversify the work. To do this, create a new document with a size of 200×200 px and fill the background layer with black. With help Pen tool (Feather) (P) Here we draw a quadrilateral:
Create a new layer, then customize Brush tool (Brush) (B): size – 1 px; hardness (hardness) – 100%.
Right-click on the created path and select Stroke path (Outline stroke). In the drop-down menu, select Brush (Brush) parameter Simulate pressure (Simulation of pressure) should be INACTIVE!
We clamp CTRL and click on the thumbnail of the layer with the stroke to create a selection. Then go Edit – Define Brushset (Editing – Define a brush). In the window that appears, enter the name of the brush and click OK.
We press F5, to bring up the brush parameters window, and apply the settings for the brush we just created:
We work with the created brush around the girl (in the process of drawing, we use a soft eraser, to erase some areas of the texture to create a depth effect).
Step 5. Create an eclipse effect. Add a new layer and call it “Eclipse.” Soft white brush click once in the center of the document.
Then activate Eraser tool (Eraser) (E), change the size of the brush, increase the hardness (hardness) to 70% and reduce opacity (opacity) up to 60%.
Double click eraser:
Duplicate the eclipse layer several times, position it as shown below:
Step 6. Now add abstract lines (the process of creating them is described in this lesson
Create a new layer “light spots” above all previous layers, take a soft white brush (B) and make a few clicks on the surface of the document.
Change the blending mode of this layer to Overlay (Overlap) and we get:
Now you can use the adjustment layer Color balance (Color balance) to add more color work. I do not want to limit your imagination to the parameters that I used, so experiment to achieve the best result.
After that we merge the layers, duplicate the background layer, then apply the filter Filter – Noise – Reduce Noise (Filter – Noise – Reduce noise) with the following parameters:
As you can see, the image became a bit blurry and a pleasant soft glow appeared.
The clothes became brighter and more radiant:
Feet now look blurry and glowing:
Of course, we do not need the whole image to be like this, so we will correct this effect. Create layer mask (the Add layer mask button is at the bottom of the layers panel) and brush (B) hide extra areas.
And finally, add more stars around eclipses.
And we get the final result: