In addition to the new article on layer mask, which you can read under the heading “Basics of work”, we offer you the following interesting lesson.
Color has more power if it is intended to express emotions and attract attention. This power increases at times when the color remains in the black and white image.
Applying selective coloration in Photoshop, we can rivet the eyes of the reviewer on the key objects of the image.
With this technique, you can get effects from refined to extreme. We can only tint the image slightly, just hint at the presence of color, or add a real explosion of color to a specific area.
Layer masks are the most important tool in this case, which allows us to return colors where we want.
Step 1
Open the image to which you want to apply the effect in Photoshop.
Next we need to duplicate this layer.
You can drag this layer to the new layer icon () or just click Ctrl + J.
Step 2
Next we need to discolor the image.
With the new layer active go to menu Image> Adjustments> Desaturate (Ctrl + Shift + U).
To give this monochrome image a little blue tint, go to the menu Image> Adjustment> Hue and Saturation.
Tick opposite Colorize and set the color toHue on 221, and Saturation-Saturation on 12.
Step 3
We need to add a mask to the monochrome layer, which will help us return the colors on some parts of the image.
Go to menu Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal All.
Step 4
Look at your palette of layers – a white rectangle should have appeared there. Click on it to activate the mask. This is a very important point. You should not draw on the layer itself, but on its mask. The mask is active if there is a stroke around it.
When the mask is active, colors in the palette automatically change to black and white.
Install the black brush color () as the main one.
Set in the settings round hard brush.
Press key F5 and make sure that the Brushes settings Shape dynamics NOT marked.
Step 5
Paint over all the red and blue parts of the girl’s jacket with a black brush. Thus, you will hide these parts of the jacket under the mask from the monochrome layer.
In reality, you seem to erase the monochrome layer and open the old color of the jacket.
You can change the size of the brush by clicking on the square brackets on the keyboard [- left decreases,] – right increases.
Step 6
Be careful, although it’s okay if you accidentally missed. Set the white color of the brush and correct the error!
Remember, when working with a mask, the black color masks, and the white color opens. Continue to clarify the red and blue areas of the costume.
Step 7
Mask only the red and blue areas, leave white as it is.
Step 8
While we are painting, black masked areas appear on the masked window.
We can check the mask by holding the key. Alt and clicking on the masked window in the layers palette. This will see the mask in all its glory.
Here is the result!
Not patriotic, but spectacular?
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