How to remove noise and add sharpness in Photoshop

Photoshop filters Sharpness adjustment (Sharpening) and Noise reduction (Noise Reduction) – two functions that will help improve the quality of photos taken in low light conditions, especially if you can not control the light – for example, at concerts (this lesson shows an advertising photo of the musical Fame made by photographer Tigz Rice) or weddings.

Translator’s Note: To work with the tutorial, you will need the Camera Raw and Adobe Bridge plug-ins of the same version as Photoshop. If you are using a version Adobe Photoshop CS6, then to edit a photo in mode Camera Raw, need to go to the menu File > Overview in Mini Bridge (File> Browse in Mini Bridge), then find the desired photo and click on it with the right mouse button. In the drop-down menu, select Open with> Camera Raw (Open with> Camera Raw). When working with Photoshop CS6 can skip the first two steps. If you are working in Photoshop CC, then for photo editing mode Camera Raw, go to the Filter Raw menu – Camera Raw.

Using these Camera Raw filters, you can save photos that are not as sharp as expected.

In this lesson, Tigz will demonstrate how you can fully use these tools, including information on how each slider will affect the result of the retouching.

You will learn why the filter Noise reduction (Noise Reduction) need sliders Colour (Color) and Brightness (Luminance) – and which of them to touch first – and also why are we needed Details (Detail), Contrast (Contrast) and Softening (Smoothing).

For Sharpness (Sharpening) the author will show you the work parameters Effect (Amount), Radius (Radius), Details (Detail) and Masking (Masking).

As a result, Tigz will show how to apply these filters so that they can be returned later – in case they need to be edited due to other adjustments made.

Step 1

Open the desired image, convert the background layer to the Smart Object. To do this, right-click on the layer, then in the drop-down menu select Convert to smart object (Convert To Smart Object). This will edit the applied filters later.

Step 2

Go to menu Filter > Camera Raw (Filter> Camera Raw). The Adobe Camera Raw plug-in menu opens.

Step 3

Using tab parameters Main (Basic) in the right panel drag the sliders, adjusting the exposure and the tonal balance of the image (for more information read the lesson “Retouch photos using Adobe Camera Raw plugin »

Step 4

When you become satisfied with the result, go to the tools Sharpness Adjustment (Sharpening) and Noise reduction (Noise Reduction).

Both tools are on the tab. Detailing (Detail), third from left.

Step 5

Sharpness adjustment (Sharpening) controlled by one main slider – Effect (Amount) – and three additional: Radius (Radius), Detailing (Detail), Masking (Masking).

Slider Effect (Amount) controls the amount of sharpness applied to an image. The “correct amount” of sharpness depends on preferences, but the value 25-35 will be optimal.

Step 6

Radius (Radius) controls the compression zone around the edges of objects in the photo. The default value is 1.0, which means only one pixel width along each edge. You can group up to three pixels in total.

Again, the “correct amount” of the parameter will depend on the particular image and personal taste, but 1.0 perfectly cope with the task.

Step 7

Slider Detailing (Detail) is responsible for the location of sharpness in the photo: it is applied to the image with contrasting edges or low values ​​when shooting at high ISO.

Default setting Detailing (Detail) is set to 25, but, as for the previous parameters, the “correct amount” depends on your preferences, as well as the photo itself. For live shooting, which can often be too grainy, the value 25 would be great.

Step 8

Masking (Masking) completes a set of four group tools Sharpness adjustment (Sharpening) and is the best of three additional sliders. It allows you to get maximum control over where in the image sharpness is applied.

If you hold down the Alt key while dragging the slider, you can see to which zones the sharpness will be applied. All black areas will not be touched, while white areas will be sharper.

Step 9

Now let’s go to the module Noise reduction (Noise Reduction). It removes extra noise from images that occurs when shooting at high ISO, and also smoothes tones if the camera sensor has been set to maximum.

Working with Noise reduction (Noise Reduction), start with the slider Chromaticity (Color). He assesses the color of the noise and mixes it with the appropriate color to fit the specific area of ​​the image. Usually the slider is set at the mark 20-30.

Step 10

To improve the final result, you can use the secondary sliders – Detailing (Detail) and Softening (Smoothness).

Slider Detailing (Detail) controls how much detail will be shown after sorting the color. I usually leave it at the standard value – 50%.

Step 11

Slider Softening (Smoothness) smoothes the patchy color that occurs when shooting, and works best on the mark. 60-80%.

Step 12

Work with the Chromaticity (Color) allows you to make small edits before moving on to the most serious slider – Luminosity (Luminance). The latter smoothes the entire image, so as a result, you can get a loss of sharpness.

Slider Luminosity (Luminance) – an incredibly powerful tool. For images shot from ISO up to 2000, the mark is enough. 25%.

Step 13

Brightness information (Detail) and Brightness contrast (Contrast) allow you to return some parts lost after use. Luminosity (Luminance). However, noise is usually returned along with the details.

We went first to Chromaticity (Color), thereby minimizing the effect of Luminosity (Luminance), therefore both slider mentioned above can be left with default values.

Step 14

After you become satisfied with the result, click OK, to confirm the changes made. A new layer will appear on the layers panel. Smart filters. It contains all the information of the Camera Raw filter.

Step 15

Since we worked with the Smart Object, the changes made can be corrected. To do this, simply double-click the Camera Raw Filter layer in the layers panel.

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